Time Warped (Episode 6)

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Ellie's POV:
We then were walking to a campfire and i had my head on Griffins shoulder and the counselor is telling a story and Griffin kisses my head and gives me a s'more and we hear Savannah scream but it was just another counselor scaring her and I see that he has chocolate on his face and I wipe it off and he jumps "um sorry you had chocolate" I say and he just kissed my cheek in response and we turn and we don't see the group that consisted of Jess, Ben, Jesse, Norah, Savannah so we immediately get up and go searching so we run and check the girls bunkhouse and she's not there and we are walking out and we run into Norah "hey Norah" Hey Gin have you seen Sav" "um no I'm sorry we haven't but um we need to be heading back our parents will be worried about us" "ok bye" and we walk back to the hotel and we split up to find her and i go with Griff and we round back and find Harper we start to head to the tree house when we see Jess walk in and she's mad and she starts causing a scene and counselors starts to questions and Jess tells on us saying that we are always around asking questions and she goes on about how we say we are guests and she says we need to talk to the manager and then Griff grabs my hand and we start to walk away and then we run into another counselor and we are taken to the managers office. We are sitting in the managers office and since they only have 2 chairs I'm sitting on Griffs lap and the managers comes in asking our parents names and i say "Arthur and Molly Weasley" and they say their fake parents names and says "no Grangers, no Potters and no Weasleys" "ok no more games who are your parents" now we are locked in here and I'm just sitting in Griffs lap trying not to fall asleep and Griff looks at the cabinet and says "there's a door behind here" and we move it and see a door we open the door and someone yells "hey how did you get out" and we start running and counselors are chasing after us and we loose them and go through the portal and we are going through the door to the basement and we hear Wyatt and Zoey and we hide a Griff throws a can of chili scaring them off and we laugh we are going through the portal again and we are splitting up and I am going with Griff. And we are running up to the Tremont and we notice we are still in 2020 "the portal didn't work" Griffin says "we failed" Harper says we see Ben add Jess "what are you 2 doing out here the powers out all over town" Ben says we all look at each other and now we are busted...

Next part coming out soon!

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