No time like the present (episode 10)

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Ellie's POV:
Harper goes to push the button and Griffin says "wait wait what if it blows up in our faces i can't risk Ellie getting hurt" "it's Savannah guiding us she wouldn't put Ellie in danger" and she pushes the button and we see Roman numerals and we set it to 1962 and it didn't work so Harper hits it and it works  and we go through the portal and we get to the Tremont and we see all the old cars and I think Griffin is forgetting about the fact Harper will stick out and this guy comes by asking if he can helps us and he tells Harper she should leave and Griffin still doesn't understand and he's trying to fight and Harper says "it's not something I did it's the color of my skin you and Ellie go find Savannah" and we are talking and we see Savannah "there's my favorite niece Ellie, Griffin, Harper" she says while hugging us and a lady comes up asking her questions and she says "bye mom" and me and griffin and Harper all whisper mom/grandma? And we are by are treehouse the tree house and Savvy is explaining the story and she explains that Caroline isn't her real mom and that she was adopted made me think I actually have a bigger family now and now we are talking about the favor and Griff starts explaining what's going on and so we start walking with Savvy and she starts saying how it's her one chance at a family "hey Savvy what about me" "what do you mean" "I mean you say you don't have a chance at a family but I'm your family you could come live with me and Griffin" "I'm sorry Ellie but I can't what if we use the portal every so often so I can see you I mean you are my niece and I need to make sure this guy is treating you right" "ok but um my mom and dad went on a journey three time so I have no idea where they are or if they are ok" "well i I see them I'll let you know" and so we  came up with this plan to use an old coffee can they use to pass notes in to send a letter to Ben. And we are going back through the portal and now we are by the old tree house putting the plan into action
Bens POV:
Harper comes through the door "Mr.Campbell you have to come quick we were hanging out at this old tree house and Ellie slipped and Griffin tried to catch her but she fell" "ok let's go get in the truck"
Ellie's POV:
We are sitting by the tree house and we see Ben pull up and he runs out and asks if I'm ok and I say "yes I'm fine" "Harper said you fell" "yea but luckily I was too high up just knocked the wind out of me" and he looks around and spots the coffee can and I hop on Griffins back and he says the letter is from Savannah and we get back to the Tremont and he's reading the letter and he gets to the end and he looks up at me and says "Ellie come here" "yes" "look at what Savannah said"

Hey Ben I guess this is the end part for you now this is for my baby sister Norah or any children she has

Hey sis I hope you named one of your children after me you've always said you would name your daughter Ellie I would love to meet my niece or nephew but I sadly can't I'm going to find our family and it's to dangerous you need a life with Jesse so be there with him I love you

p.s. You nicknamed me Ellie now I need you to be the little prankster you are and remember what I said about our notes rip this part off


I rip the part of after Ben gives a nod and I run to Griffin and grab the black light Savvy gave us and flip it up and find the hidden letter underneath

Hey Ellie
I miss you already I mean other than my sister you're my only family member left now if you ever want to see me come through the portal or there's a loose floorboard at the bottom of the stairs you can send notes through I love you never forget that your mom would be so proud of you never let Griffin go and let Jess know I forgive her

Aunt Savvy

I lean on Griffins shoulder while crying and everyone looks up "Ellie what's wrong" Sarah asks "well Savannah put a secret message in the note and in a letter from her mom she said use a black light so we did and the letter was really sweet and Jess Savannah forgives you I don't know what you did but she forgives you" Griffin says while hugging me "come on let's go to my room" he says after we talk to Harper out side and I lay down on his bed and he sits against his headboard and I lay my head in his lap and he plays with my hair and we are just talking and I lean up and I look into his eyes and I kiss him and we keep kissing for a few minutes until I hear Zoey and Wyatt say "ewwww I didn't wanna see that" and they close the door I laugh and put my head down and blush and he lifts my chin and kisses me again and we start making out for about 5 minutes and he kisses my forehead when Sarah's says "really Griffin I said keep the door open" "it's not my fault Zoey and Wyatt closed it and I was comfortable" "no you were to busy making out with Ellie to get up and open the door" Zoey says "Griffin what did i talk to you about like 2 days ago" Ben says "dadddd" "and miss Ellie what did I talk to you about" "Sarah really not this again I already said I would tell you everything" "you what heyyy that's not fair" Griffin says "too bad now I have to go talk bad about you to your mom" I say kissing his check after Sarah and I go to the kitchen and i sit on the counter "he's getting confident and I don't know how to feel about it" she says "I like it but that's also because he's my boyfriend and he's your soooo" "well I said you have to tell me everything" " and I am so basically I was just laying in his lap and I kinda kissed him and we started making out and Zoey and Wyatt closed the door and we just kept making out until you came in that's it" "ok I believe you but just remember when your older i better be the first to know" "wait what do you mean by that" she looks and me and smirks "Sarah no we are way to young" "I know that's why I said older" "don't worry I'll probably come to you for advice for that big of a step" "and you better because I already have engagement rings ready" "you are so invested" "yes I am but you have to be at least 16 before you do you know what" "okok I thought you were gonna say marriage and I was like um" "no I know your mom her and Jesse got together they turned 16 and yea" "ew I didn't need to know that" "it's ok" "mom i stealing my girlfriend back" griffin says coming into the kitchen "ok see you guys later and Ellie never forget what I said "I won't" I say as griffin pulls me into his room "so you and my mom are besties" "yea she makes me tell her everything she's so invested in us she even said that we only had to be 16 to you know" "well that's only 2 years from now" "omg griffin you psycho" "but you love me" "that I do" I say as I kiss him and we start making out and yes the door is open and I hear the twins but I don't care "GRIFFIN WATCH THOSE HANDS THATS MY BIG SISTER-IN-LAW" I hear Zoey yell I don't even realize his hands we let in my waist I laugh as I hear Sarah coming up the stairs "Griffin" "what mom" "what did I say about your hands" "what they were only right here" he says as he puts his hands on my waist "ok Zoey calm down that's fine" "but mom she's my sister-in-law and Wyatt almost jumped on him because we are just being protective" "and I get that but they are teenagers remember what I said to you 2" she then turns to us and says "16 and Ellie get here" i throw a pillow at her "well I guess I have to go have another girl talk" as I try to get up Griffin stops me "one more" "fine" I say as I  kiss him and walk away "Ellie Savannah Dillon-Morgan Dunn" "yes" I say scared because they both said my full name "ahhh don't be scared we are messing with ya now if you excuse me I have to go talk to a certain teenage boy" Ben says as he walks into Griffins room "come on let's go to my room and talk" "ugh not this again" "Ellie I know you don't care but if he ever makes you uncomfortable just tell him he'll understand" "but Sarah I am fine with it" "ok just making sure I think Ben went to go give him a deeper talk you may as well be in here for a little while" "ok fine but we were just making out" "for like the 3rd time today" "what can I say your son is needy" "but didn't you start all of them" "ok maybe I'm the needy one but I love him" "yea yea you get that from your mom she could never keep her hands of Jesse" "ugh ew gross" "hey you're the same way miss thang" "but ughhhh" "just think if Griffin give you and you know what on your next come to me and I'll help you cover it" "Sarah you really are a pretty chill parent" "yea I am now run back to Griffin save him from the deep talk" I run to Griffins room "hey Ben Sarah needs you downstairs" "ok bye Griff" "so how was talking" "he was just like no doing this no doing that" "oh really" "yea well I mean I don't care" "really" "yea" and he kisses me again and this time he actually kisses my neck "Griffin didn't your dad tell you not to do this" "yea but I'd rather listen to my mom and actually he said as long as it's not anywhere else" "ok ok fine" and he leaves a couple of hickeys "Griffin now I have to get up early" "yea yea shhh and come to sleeps"

Next morning
I wake up before Griffin and head to the kitchen to find Sarah "Sarah I need help" "with what" she says "um well Griffin and I made out again but this time" I say as I show her the 2 hickeys on my neck "well let's go to my room and I'll cover them for you" we go to her room and we see Ben "hey girls what are you guys doing" "we are just having some girl time" Sarah says "oh really then why isn't Ellie looking at me" i life my head up and he notices "that boy I swear I tell him something and he just does it well you 2 do your thing" we laugh and she covers them up and we head downstairs and I'm cleaning the front desk because Sarah told me we are staying when I hear Griffin come down the stairs "hey Griff changes of plans we are staying" Ben says as Griffin comes up to me and looks at me and says "why's you cover them" "Griff because you don't want Zoey and Wyatt bullying you all day" and he drags me to his room "Griffin did you hear we are staying" Wyatt says as he come into Griffs room "yea now get out of my room" "I think you mean out room Griff" I say "wait i thought you were sharing with me" Zoey says "to bad Zoey she's mine" Griff says as he hugs me from behind and puts his chin on my shoulder

Authors note: I get they are around 12 in the show but I'm making them 14 to fit my storyline and yes it's a little more mature if you all want I can make it less like this but season finale will come out in a few hours and then onto season 2

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