Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Time (episode 5)

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Ellie's POV:
Harper, Griffin and I are walking out of school and Griffin and I are holding hands "man I've never been in such a hurry for school to be over" he says me either I just kept thinking about Savannah" Harper says we stopped at the bike ride and I have my head on Griffins shoulder because now that I know Savannah is my aunt I can't stop thinking about how i will never get to meet her and she won't get to meet me knowing I'm her niece and we hear Jess's car horn and she says "Harper let's go" and then we see Sarah "Griffin Ellie" and we walk to the car. Griffin and I are in the bunker "hey be careful you're a relative of Savannah is something gets her while you're around please don't follow" "I won't but who knew you could be so protective" "oh shut up I'm just trying to keep you safe I mean my parents would actually kill me if something happened to you on my watch and I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing i let you get hurt" "ok lover boy I'll be careful" "ok wait before we go" he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and he looks into my eyes and he leans in and we kiss and it lasts for a few seconds "I'll be ok" and I give him a pecks on the lips and he opens the hatch and goes up "man that doesn't get any easier" and we see Harper and she walks off we walk after her holding hands and I'm just walking looking around and I hear Griff say "if we can't crash the dance looking like this" and i rest my chin on his shoulder and she says she brought us clothes and they start talking about the tablet and then we know have to show Savannah the video we start walking and we see Savannah go into this treehouse so we wait and few and then followed her up "hey" Griffin says "hey Harry and hey Ginny" she says "how'd you know it was me" "because you 2 are always together and did it finally happen or not I need to know before camps ends" "yes Sav it happened" i say "NORAH IS GOING TO BE SO HAPPY" "wait what" Harry says "well um before we came and talked to you and Ben the other day we were talking about boys and I told her about you and she said that you liked me and I didn't believe her so she said just wait and yea" "ohhh" " listen Savannah there's something you need to see" and he pulls out the tablet and she grabs it and starts rambling and i take it from her and give it to Griff "just watch it ok" and it doesn't turn on "Harry i think the batteries dead" Savannah then goes on about these different types of batteries "Harry I'm gonna tell her" "ok" "Savannah there's something you need to know my names not Ginny my name is Ellie and I'm from the future but listen I'm your niece" "what there's no way I'm an aunt" "Norah and Jesse are my parents and you can tell anyone about this" "ok I won't I promise I can't believe I have a niece I mean it explains why you and Nor look so much a like" just then Ben comes up "Savannah there you are hey Harry, Ginny" and he notices how close we are and that we are holding hands"hey man did you finally ask" "um yea" "good because you guys are cute together" I smile "the dance is about to start you're coming right" "I don't know" hey Sav why don't we go to your cabin and get ready I mean it would be fun right I mean Harry is an amazing dancer" "sure why not E-Ginny" I grab her hand and she walks down the ladder and I kiss Griffins cheek and he says "be careful" "I will" "I can finally call you Aunt Savvy" "so what's it like in the future how's Norah nevermind that let's find Norah and get you dressed to impress Harry" "Sav, Ginny" "come on we have to go get Ginny ready Nor" "why" "Harry and Ginny are dating" "FINALLY let's go"
Time skip**
We are walking up to Harry and Ben "hey Ginny you look um i—i i you look gorgeous" "Thanks lover boy you look cute" i say as I kiss him on the cheek and grabs my hand and we walk into the hotel and see Hermione and Jess and we nod at her and we look over and see Jess left her so we walk over while laughing "sorry we couldn't get Sav to not come" i say "it's ok" "apparently Jess told Savannah that tonight would be a night to remember" and I lay my head on Griffs shoulder and then Sav and Ben walk up and say "Harry let's see those moves" "yea Ellie over hear told them I was an awesome dancer" i smile and walk next to Sav and Norah "just saying he's actually a bad dancer I just wanted him to dance because it's cute" I'm laughing at him and it's adorable and he walks over to me and just lays his head in the crook of my neck while hugging me "we will keep and eye on Sav while you go find Jess" i say I hear a slow song come on while I'm with Griff, Norah, Savannah, and Jesse and he asks Norah to dance and she says yes and we see Ben walk over and ask Sav to dance and I look at Griff and i say "hey wanna dance I think this is more your speed" he laughs and says yea and we walk in between Sav and Ben and Norah and Jesse and I put my hands on his shoulders and he puts his on my waist and he's being really sweet about it and akaward "hey it's ok your my boyfriend you don't have to worry about it ok" "ok I guess I'm still getting used to the fact you even said yes in the first place" I laugh and lay my head on his shoulders as we sway to the music and Jess starts yelling at Harper and I take my head of Griffs shoulder listening and we just go back to talking...

Authors note: don't worry y'all won't be on a cliffhanger for long as this one's being published I'm going to start to write the next chapter hope you all enjoyed!!

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