Waking Up

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y/n POV
I woke up under Granza's wing literally. When I woke up the sun wasn't up yet, it was still night. It was a nice sleep I didn't have a dream at all so there was no Nightmare and it was calm.
I'm not sure how but I think Grandza protected me.
I look over to my left and see Grandza calmly reading a book. When he saw I was awake he put the book down and calmly said

Morning y/n.

Morning Grandza.

Did you see Nightmare this time? Or anything scary?

No, I had a very calm sleep this time. I didn't even have a dream so there was no Nightmare.

That's good to hear.

Grandza, I know this might sound strange but I think you protected me. I'm not sure how though.

A similar thing also happened with your father, Techno a lot. Whenever he was around me The Voices wouldn't talk to him. The reason for Tech was because he felt safe around me. Maybe your reasoning is similar to his.

That might be the case for me as well. Grandza, whenever I'm around you I feel like no one can hurt me, I feel safe, no matter how scary Nightmare is, thank you.

I'm glad that you feel safe around me Little Techno. Can I call you "Little Techno"? You really remind me of him (that's a compliment)

Yes, I would like that very much Grandza.

And then the sun began to rise.

Wow. I have never seen the sunrise this clearly before. It was always behind a window. It's even more beautiful like this. I've always liked it but now I love it.

I love the sunrise as well Little Techno. It's so calming and peaceful.

We watched the beautiful, calm and peaceful sunrise together.

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