The Next Morning

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y/n POV
I woke up under Granza's wing again literally. I didn't have a dream it was a nice, calm peaceful sleep. Grandza must've protected me again.

I woke up while the sun was rising. It was just as pretty as last time. All the colors, the shading everything was beautiful.

When the sun was up the day had just begun.

Morning Grandza.

Morning Little Techno.

Grandza, I'd like to thank you. Talking to you calms me down, a lot. You also make me feel safe. If it wasn't for you I'd be dealing with Nightmare all alone which would've been even scarier.

No problem Little Techno and know, even though how scary Nightmare can be you can always talk to me. You're not alone. You shouldn't suffer alone.

Thank you, Grandza.

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