The Next Night

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My day went as normal. And when I was going to bed, about to go to sleep I didn't hear a single Nightmare's whisper. Which was strange but nice. But it could be the calm before the storm. I have to be prepared.

y/n (Thinking)
Okay y/n, just don't be scared. Nightmare is dead. He can't hurt you. You shouldn't be scared, there's no reason to be scared.

I thought to myself. Than I fell asleep.

In my dream, I was in the same place as last time. In an endless, dark, black void. That it seems like there's no way out.
Then I saw Nightmare. He looked just as scary as last time. The same black cape with blood stains, ripped clothing, messy bloody hair and red bloodthirsty eyes. I was scared. But I tried not to show it.

I know that you're scared. But I'd like to ask, why?

He said to me in a calming but scary voice.
I couldn't answer. Because I didn't know the answer myself. I was scared but couldn't exactly tell why.

Why are you so afraid of the same god that you killed with your own hands?! Why?!

He yelled at me.

I-I don't know.

I muttered out. I was in the verge of crying but I couldn't cry. I have to know where this conversation was going.

Huh. I'm guessing that you're afraid of killing, overall. Is that correct?

He said in the same calm but scary voice.

I couldn't say anything. I just nodded.

You really shouldn't be scared of me. And from killing. It's in your nature. It's in every god's nature. We're designed to kill. We can see in the dark so we can see our victim better. We're stronger so we can kill.
Especially you. Your power is killing so use it! Your father, The Blood God used to kill, a lot. And he was happy. Since it's in a god's nature it's a joy to kill. Killing is in your blood so why aren't you killing?!

We're immortal so we don't get killed. In fact I'm the first and only god in history to ever get killed. And you're the first and only god in history to ever kill a god. And it's really unfortunate that I'm your only kill.

It was always like this. Gods have always been more holy and grand than humans so we always killed them. Not only for fun but we also needed to kill. We have to kill in order to get what we want. That's the only way.

y/n (Thinking)
All this talk about killing is scaring me even more but I can't cry. If I cry I'll wake up. And I shouldn't wake up. I should stand my ground and talk.

No it's not. You can talk things through.

You think too much about others Little Young God. You really shouldn't, it's keeping you from doing what you're meant to do, killing. It's really really unfortunate really.

Now I was even more scared. I didn't want to believe Nightmare.

This isn't true, it can't be true.

I whispered to myself.

No, it's very well true, Little Young God. But don't worry killing is okay because you're a god and it's in you nature.

No, it's not okay. Taking the lives of harmless, innocent people isn't okay. It's not right.

It's okay and it's definitely right to us, gods. You're just having trouble accepting your true self. Since you're learning the truth just now, from me. But you should accept yourself and do what you're meant to do, killing.

No no no. I won't kill I can't kill. No

My voice was shaking from fear.

Now I was definitely terrified. This couldn't be true. I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I broke down.

Than I woke up.

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