Waking Up

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y/n POV
I woke up shaking from fear. "It's not true, it can't be true." I told myself between tears.
I got out of bed and put my cloak on. I ran out of to castle to the backyard. It was cold and windy outside but that was the only thing I wanted to think about, as a distraction from Nightmare.
I sat down under the same tree. I tried to keep myself distracted but I couldn't I began crying. "It's not true, it can't be true." I told myself again.

Philza POV
As I was taking a midnight walk one cold and windy night I saw Little Techno. I went up to them.

Would you like to talk?

y/n POV
A calm, gentle voice asked me. I looked up and saw it was Grandza. I had nothing to hide from him. I muttered out a "yes."
Grandza sat next to me and took me under his wing once again.

Grandza, Nightmare told me that I'm designed to kill, it's what I'm meant to do and that it has always been like this, is that true?
I said in a shaky voice.

Little Techno that's not true. Let me give you a little history lesson about Gods.
I know a lot about history because I've seen it myself with my own eyes. As you might've guessed even though I don't look it I'm very very very old.

How old are you exactly?

To be honest even I don't know my real age. It's been such a long time. But I've seen people discover fire so you can kinda guess my age.
Gods have existed ever since people existed. And I'm one of the first gods ever. The difference was gods are stronger and capable of things that humans aren't. At first we used our abilities to help people. Because that's what we're designed to do, to help. Gods are designed to help.

But Nightmare told me that the reason we can see in the dark is to see the victim better. He told me we're stronger so we can kill.

That's not true. The reason we can see in the dark is to see if someone's in danger so we can help them. We're stronger to help if someone's hurt and/or in danger.

But what about my power? My power is killing if the other gods aren't designed to kill, I am.

y/n your power isn't to kill people, your power is to defend people, to protect them. To defend them against dangerous mobs. You're not meant for killing no one is.
Nightmare's power is revival. He was designed to revive people, as a way of helping them.
My power is in my wings I can use them for flight to see if someone's in need. And my wings help me to shield them as a way of protecting them.

For some time gods used their powers for good. We helped people and in turn they gave us what we wanted. But after some time gods got greedy and saw themselves as more grand and holy from people because we are stronger and capable of doing things they're not.
Which is simply not true. No matter how strong or capable a god can be they shouldn't see themselves as more grand and/or holy from people.
But because gods started seeing this way they started to kill. They started to kill in order to get what they wanted, instead of talking things through.
They started massacres, killing entire villages, towns and even small nations.
That was when I started to feel like I didn't belong. Killing hurt me mentally a lot. I couldn't process that I killed innocent people, harmless families that had done nothing wrong. I had the lowest kill count out of every god. Because I had a hard time killing.
I started to help people in secret. For example whenever we went on a massacre to kill everyone in a village and to steal all their stuff I'd hide as much people I could in small places so gods wouldn't kill them. This would work very well especially with kids. Since they were shorter and smaller it was easier for them to hide in small spaces. And at night I would sneak out to give them food, water and a couple jewels for them to sell.

The gods became very very bad. They were horrible not just for people but for me as well. They'd make fun of me for having the lowest kill count calling me "The Angel Of Death" pretty soon that became my name. Being called an angel when you're surrounded by monsters is an insult, a very humiliating insult.

After some time I couldn't take it anymore. So I left. At the time it was a very hard decision for me because my father was still with the gods, leaving him wasn't easy for me mentally but he was just as bad as the others he also loved to kill. I really nothing to loose, so I left. And I'm very glad I did that has to be one of the best decisions of my life.

When I left I decided to do what I love, helping. I helped kids who's parents were killed by the gods. I helped reconstruct villages, towns and nations. Even though the gods managed to kill the majority of people during a massacre some of them manage to hide. And I helped those who had survived. I gave them food water and shelter.
I also gave them emotional support. Most of them had trauma from seeing their home getting burned and from loosing their loved ones. I was always there to talk.
I made everything a lot safer as well. I made bunkers so if the gods came again they could hide. I also made safes so they could hide their valuables in there.
I also taught them how to help others and the importance of helping others. I was raising good people.
They saw me as a father figure and as their hero. I became known as "The Crowfather".
Overtime the villages became towns and then they turned into nations. Overtime they needed my help less and I was proud to see how far they came.

After some time I couldn't find any villages, towns or nations to help. Because I had helped so many and because I had taught them how to help so they had also helped others.

That's when I decided to retire. So I built a small house in the middle of nowhere far far away from any kind of civilization. I chose to leave a simple life.

Soon after I met your father I could tell he was hurt both physically and emotionally that he was in desperate need of help and someone to talk to. So I helped him.

And you know the rest.

How could you tell that my father wasn't evil. He was covered in blood.

I can see someone's backstory and tell what they've been through and how they're feeling by simply looking in their eyes. I've seen a lot of cases. I have strong father senses.

Grandza you said "some time" low long is "some time" exactly?

Not that long. Only like a couple hundred years.

A couple hundred years? That's incredibly long!

You're saying that because you're a very young god. Since gods live forever time that's long for people really isn't long for us.
And believe me a couple hundred years goes by very fast.

Grandza, I didn't think about this yesterday but what are you doing outside at night? Don't you need sleep?

As gods get older we get less tired and need less and less sleep overtime. When you become very old like me you don't need sleep because you never get tired. Even if I try I can't sleep because I'm never tired.
So I spend my nights taking midnight walks, reading and by talking to you.

Talking to Grandza calmed me down and made me feel safe. I felt sleepy again and then fell asleep.

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