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y/n POV
As I was getting ready for bed I started hearing The Voices again. I decided to make the tea Grandza gave me.
I carefully boiled the water, poured it in a mug and added the tea packet inside. Then, I stirred it well.
Before I took the first sip I hoped for the best. I slowly drank the tea.
It was quite delicious actually. Might be the best tea I've ever drank. And The Voices we're fading as well. But I could tell what they were saying now. They were saying "No." "Please, stop." but they were saying it in a pleading way, almost begging me not to drink the tea.
But I ignored them and finished the tea anyway. I trust Grandza, not The Voices.
When I finished, I was incredibly tired and sleepy. Even though today was normal and I hadn't done anything trying. I thought it was just the effect of the tea and was nothing bad.
I went to bed hoping for a good sleep, without Nightmare and The Voices bothering me.

In my dream I was in a black and empty void. There was no one there which was kinda reliving, but what was gonna happen?

Then I heard Nightmare. But his voice was a whisper and he was nowhere to be seen.

I warned you not to drink that tea.


Now you can't see me. Which has it's ups and downs for me. This will reduce your fear from me. But now, I have just enough control over your dreams.

Nightmare was right. I wasn't scared nearly as much, now I can finally ask him the question I wanted to know the answer to.

Why won't you leave me alone? What do you want from me?

The reason why is because I hate your father, The Blood God.

Why do you hate him? What did he ever do to you?

Since you're asking, let me show you.

Trigger Warning: Death, killing, blood

Suddenly the black void turned into a completely different place. This place looked like a ruined nation. There was dead bodies and blood everywhere but the thing that shocked me the most was a teenager that looked like my dad. But he looked a bit different. He was covered in blood, there was a bloody sword next to him, that looked like The Orphan Obliterator he gave me but it was very bloody, but what hurt me the most was him sobbing in front of two dead bodies.

Mom, dad, why did they do this to you? How could they do this to innocent people? Even though I got revenge, I didn't get happiness. I feel awful.

Where am I?

Right now I'm showing you a memory of mine. This is where we found The Blood God. But when we found him he wasn't The Blood God yet.
Us gods were just going to a nation to destroy and we found it already destroyed by your dad.
For whatever reason, this intrigued my father, who was the leader of The Killers.

Then the gods walked up to my dad.

The Leader
Did you kill everyone here?


The Leader
Did you do it all by yourself?


The Leader
That's impressive, you seem very skilled. Would you like to join us and become one of us?

One of you?

The Leader
I think I didn't introduce myself, I'm Devil Blood, The Leader of The Killers. Us killers are gods. We're immortal and invincible. We've never seen anyone as talented as you. Would you like to join us?

Technoblade's Kid - Sequel | Dream SMP AU - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now