Chapter 2

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It's just like every other day. I wake up around seven a.m., get dressed, brush my teeth and go downstairs to eat breakfast. As I go downstairs, I see my siblings all sitting around the table eating. My little brother is a really good cook, so he's obviously made it his responsibility to make sure me and my sister eat before heading out. I mean, not to complain, his cooking is amazing, but it's a bit sad that he has to be the one at home since our parents are almost never home, unless something really important has happened.

"Good morning" I hear from the kitchen as I walk down the stairs. It's my siblings.

"Morning Xander!" I say.

I truly love having them in my life. Ever since I first held them, I knew they were gonna be my best friends.

I sit down next to Naomi and Xander hands me a plate.

"It looks amazing Xan!"

I raffle his hair. He doesn't usually let me do it, so I take every opportunity I get. And as he always does, he pulls away quickly and give me a gentle slap on my arm.

"Stop doing that!" He yells at me, but both me and Naomi just laugh at him.

I love these moments with them. It's always the best thing in the morning, but obviously I would never dare tell them that. They'd just laugh at me or call me weird, but I love them anyways. And I think they love me just as much, deep down.

"You both look handsome as always! Especially you, Nomie." I give her a grin.

"Eew!" She says as she gives me an ugly look.

It's just another day, just like any other day, but for some reason, I'm really happy. Maybe it's because of yesterday. Maybe it's just a good day, but I'm just in a really good mood.

"Ok, I'm heading out first! If any of you want a lift, you better hurry!"

I practically run out of the door. I feel like this year is gonna be a good year.

I'm the only one out of my siblings that has a drivers license. I managed to get it just a few days after my 16th birthday, and since my brother's only thirteen, and my sister's eleven, they haven't started yet. So I feel like I'm gonna be their personal driver for a bit longer.

The ride to school doesn't take that long. I park my car in the parking lot and they immediately run out in different directions.

"Thanks for the lift!" I hear Naomi yell before slamming the door and then I watch as she runs off.

I stay in my car for a little bit longer before deciding to head inside.

. . .

"How's it going, Eth! Did you have fun last night?" I hear a familiar voice ask behind my open locker door.

"A better question is, did you have a fun time last night?"

I'm not the only one who seems to be having a good day. Jamie's practically glowing this morning, which is unusual for him.

"So what happened?"

"Oh, not much, really," Jamie says as we start walking towards class.

"Oh, really? So who was it that we saw being dragged upstairs by none other than Ellinor Martin yesterday at the party?"

"Wait, did she really?"

"You don't remember... Do you?"

"Wha-, did she look like she was having a good time? Did she smile?" Then he stops walking. "Did we kiss? Wait, if we did, then did she like it!?"

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