Chapter 8

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I didn't get that much sleep tonight, but I still woke up energetic. All I could think of was how I was gonna ask her out. I wanted to make it special and something to remember, but not too cheesy. I went through multiple scenarios in my head and eventually landed on taking her out to get milkshakes and then going to the red lake where I will ask her out. It was still a bit cheesy, but it was definitely better than just going to Rose Diner as always. I smiled to myself. It will go great. I thought to myself.

Next thing was to ask her out. I picked up my computer and opened up facebook and clicked on her profile.

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I walk downstairs and my siblings greet me as always. They're both sitting around the dining table when I walk in.
"Goodmorning!" I say.

"Teddy! Goodmorning!" Naomi says as she lights up when she sees me.

"How are you today, sunshine?"

"I'm good! We're gonna have religion today!"
"Oooh! Sounds interesting!" I say as I ruffle Xanders hair as I walk by.

He's wearing his headphones today, but when I ruffle his hair, he immediately takes them off and turns to face me.

"Stop it!" He yells at me with a sour expression.

"Sorry sorry! It's just, you looked so serious."

He glares at me one final time before putting his headphones back on and looks down on his phone again.

. . .

I drive to school as always. The same route, but today, it felt to go a lot faster. Maybe it's because I'm excited to see Sophia again. After all, I'm very nervous.

I park the car and watch as Xan and Naomi run to their classes.
"I'm not gonna be able to pick you up today, so you have to take the buss!" I yell after them.

"Okay!" I hear in the distance.

I let out a sigh as I look at my phone... Still hasn't opened it...

I was very early today, so there weren't a lot of cars in the parking lot yet. I sit in my car a few more seconds before I open the car door. I'm really nervous about what's to happen, but I'm also very eager to see her reply. As I open the door, I hear someone waiting outside the car for me.

"Morning, Ethan..." Calum says as he walks up towards the car.

I step out of the car and look over at Cal. He too, seemed to be a bit nervous, but to be fair, when is he not.

"Goodmorning!" I say and give him a smile to try and hide how nervous I am.

"You're here early?" I point out. I mean I was too, but I didn't know Cal was here this early.

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