Chapter 15

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DunnWthLfe 04/11 at 5:38 PM

How is it Thursday? Have I really been hiding in my room for an entire week?

GrayScale 04/11 at 5:57 PM

You're alive! I thought for sure you'd gone up and disappeared after what happened at the party, but I don't blame you for not wanting to talk. How have you been?

DunnWthLfe 04/11 at 6:01 AM

I'm sorry for not replying to you all week, but I've honestly been avoiding everyone.

And now it's Thursday and I haven't talked to any of my friends all week...

I've been all over the place and I've been questioning everything I know about myself, and it feels like I never truly knew me...

GrayScale 04/11 at 6:07 PM

Don't worry about me. What matters is that you're okay <3 I'm always here if you want to talk.

DunnWthLfe 04/11 at 6:08 PM

Can I ask you a question?

GrayScale 04/11 at 6:10 PM

Ofcourse! What's on your mind?

DunnWthLfe 04/11 at 6:17 PM

How did you know you were asexual? Like... how did you figure out what you were?

GrayScale 04/11 at 6:20 PM

Do you think your asexual or is this a theoretical question?

DunnWthLfe 04/11 at 6:23 PM

Well... Probably both. I don't know. I'm not even sure what my sexuality is anymore...

GrayScale 04/11 at 6:32 PM

And that's okay. I've gone through at least 5 different labels for my sexuality before I landed on asexual, and even now, it might change. But right now, asexual is what fits me. Life is filled with self discovery and that's okay. I mean, we're still kids, we have a whole life infront of us!

But to answer how I figured out I was ace, it took a long time to figure out. For a long time, I identified as bisexual, and even pansexual at a point, since I thought that I was attracted to everyone the same amount (which turned out to be no sexual attraction). But it wasn't until last year when I saw a video about it, explaining what asexuality was, that I started to connect to it.

DunnWthLfe 04/11 at 6:39 PM

Thanks Gray ❤️ The thing is... I think I've had a crush on someone for a while now... Or, more specifically, I've had a crush on a guy for a long time now. I think long before I even started to like Sophia... And then when I was going on my first date with Sophia, I saw him talking to his girlfriend and I got really jealous of her, I think. Then she was at the halloween party and I just wanted to ignore her. And then I was dared to kiss him, and it was so amazing, like I've been longing for him for so long. I still like Sophia, I really do, but... Not in the same way, I don't think.

GrayScale 04/11 at 6:45 PM

That sounds like a lot. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel as if you couldn't talk to me about these things. You're feelings are so valid and it can be very confusing. I'm so proud of you for figuring yourself out and finding yourself! If I knew who you were, I would run up and hug you as soon as I saw you at school!

I love you <3 You're amazing.

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