Chapter 5

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DunnWthLfe   21/09 at 8:48 PM

I am currently having a crisis... HELP!

GrayScale is online

GrayScale   21/09 at 8:51 PM

What!? What's wrong???

DunnWthLfe   21/09 at 8:53 PM

I... I'm experiencing feelings...

GrayScale   21/09 at 8:51 PM

... What..?

DunnWthLfe   21/09 at 8:58 PM

So... I was out with my friends earlier and my mind has been everywhere these past few days... So I guess I was spacing out a lot and the next thing I know, the new girl had placed her hand on my cheek and it caught me off guard! What does this mean??? 😓 I'm so confused! Help meeee!!!

GrayScale   21/09 at 9:00 PM
Oh wow... Well first off, do you like her? Secondly... I think she might like you, honestly. Or it at least seems like it from how you described it.

DunnWthLfe   21/09 at 9:06 PM

You think? Really? 😳 I mean, I think I do??? I'm really confused right now... I didn't feel anything for her before that point. What if I don't actually like her and I just end up breaking her heart...

GrayScale   21/09 at 9:09 PM

Take your time figuring it out. There's no need to rush anything and if it happens, it happens. There's nothing you can do about it. I know it can be scary, but it's part of the experience of being alive! Anyways, I hope you figure it out soon! I'm gonna be heading off now. My family wants to watch a movie with me, so gotta go! Have fun with your thoughts!

DunnWthLfe   21/09 at 9:12 PM

You're right... We'll soon find out what happens. 👀Have fun with your family. Talk soon again. 😘Bye!

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One unread message from Adrostic

Adrostic   21/09 at 11:24 AM

Sounds like you had an eventful day yesterday then! It's really nice that your parents are going out of their way to bring you all together, since you don't see them that much on the weekdays.

Personally, I was playing all day yesterday and I may or may not have forgotten to go to sleep and ended up playing all night till now... But to be fair, it's actually a really good game and the story is so good! I highly recommend it to you!

I would say that we should play together, but it sadly doesn't have multiplayer on it... Which is really boring...
Anyway, I hope you have fun today with your friends! I'm also gonna hang out with a couple of friends from school today. We only really talk at school, but they asked if I wanted to come out and eat with them. I feel like it has something to do with them wanting to get me a girlfriend. According to them, it's really strange to them that I've only had one girlfriend when "there's so many girls that are into me". To be fair, it just barely lasted for a month and it was years ago. I mean, I personally don't see why they would care, but... I've also never really found the appeal in girls. I don't know... Maybe I'm just strange...
On another note, I'm gonna go take a nap before I head out! But you have fun today!

- A

DunnWthLfe   21/09 at 9:30 PM

Today's been a strange day... Gray's pretty sure the new girl has a crush on me or something, but I doubt that... and I also don't know how I feel about her... I mean she is really sweet and pretty... and funny... Oh god, I don't know... 😓 I think I might like her too, cause when she touched me earlier, my heart skipped a beat... And she looked so much prettier than she did before... I just want this feeling to go away and distract myself with something else for a moment! Your game recommendation sounds like a good distraction, I'll go and download it right now... 😂 Anyway, I hope you had a good nap and a good time with your friends today. Okay, you don't have to brag about being hot! Not everyone's as lucky as you! Ngl, I basically look like a thumb with some hair and glasses. Yupp, that describes me perfectly! 😂 I'm kinda jealous of you, tbh. I've never had a girlfriend before, let alone anyone saying they like me or show interest in me. Also, this only confirms it more that I need to see what you look like now! 😉 For the record, you're not strange. You just haven't found the right person yet... Or maybe you're asexual! The point is, you're not strange.

- D

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