Chapter 13

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GrayScale is online

GrayScale 01/11 at 7:00 AM

Sooo... How was the party last night? Did you have fun? Do you remember anything?

DunnWthLfe 01/11 at 7:34 AM

Ugh... Why did I have to wake up today!

GrayScale 01/11 at 7:36 AM

Is it that bad? Hungover from yesterday?

DunnWthLfe 01/11 at 7:40 AM

Yup... I'm really regretting my life decisions right about now. I'm genuinely thinking of calling in sick today... Sometimes I'm really glad my parents work so much. I'd hate to get a whole lecture about responsible drinking after such a night...

GrayScale 01/11 at 7:43 AM

Such a night? Anything happen yesterday?

DunnWthLfe 01/11 at 7:47 AM

A lot, honestly. I honestly don't even know what to think of it. I can't even tell what actually happened.

Can I tell you something, Gray?

Re: @DunnWthLfe Can I tell you something, Gray?

GrayScale 01/11 at 7:48 AM

Of course! You can tell me anything you want.

DunnWthLfe 01/11 at 7:57 AM

So, me and a group of people were playing truth or dare yesterday, and one of the guys decided to play a prank or something on me and another person I barely know... So he dared them to kiss me, and they did... But I kinda ran off afterwards because my head was literally everywhere... And I liked it, which honestly makes me feel awful because I have a girlfriend. But I don't feel the same around her as I feel when I'm around them... But I still like her, a lot!

GrayScale 01/11 at 7:59 AM

Oh wow... I'm not really the right person to ask for advice on these sorts of things, but... If you feel more like yourself and you feel happier around the other person, maybe your current relationship isn't the right one for you?

DunnWthLfe 01/11 at 8:10 AM

But it's not like I don't like her, you know. I still have feelings for her and stuff, but... Well I don't know.

Anyways! How was your halloween? 😘

GrayScale 01/11 at 8:14 AM

You know, you are allowed to have feelings for more than one person at a time. You can't control your feelings, so it's natural to get crushes here and there. I would say to just do what you feel is best for you.

My halloween was very calm. I might have actually gone to the party, but I didn't stay for that long. Instead I went home and watched horror movies by myself! It was so much better than a party!

DunnWthLfe 01/11 at 8:17 AM

You went to the party! 😱 And you didn't tell me! 😱 How could you! I am deeply hurt right now! 😂

Did you dress up? Who did you go as!

GrayScale 01/11 at 8:18 AM

Oh yeah, I knew you'd be upset, that's why I didn't tell you.

I guess we'll never know who I dressed up as. Oh well! I have to go now!

DunnWthLfe 01/11 at 8:19 AM

Wait! NO, DON'T GO YET! 😱 Who did you go as?

DunnWthLfe 01/11 at 8:20 AM

GRAY! Come back!

DunnWthLfe 01/11 at 8:22 AM


GrayScale 01/11 at 8:23 AM

Love you too! Byeeee! <3

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