Chapter 3

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DunnWthLfe 03/09 at 7:22 PM

Hello there stranger! How are you today? How's your day been? 🙂

GrayScale   03/09 at 7:24 PM

Howdy there!

Well... First day of school today, so you know what that means... A whole day filled with misgendering and people bugging me about how fun this year's gonna be and shit like that. Ugh, why is highschool such a pain in the ass! I just want to graduate already! Why is there 2 years left? I'm jealous of you! I wish you were here to suffer with me!

DunnWthLfe   03/09 at 7:27 PM

That sounds horrible... I'm so sorry you have to go through that... Hopefully it will get better for you soon. Honestly I don't understand why society has to divide us up into these categories. She/her, he/him, they/them, we're all people in the end! Fuck society! THERE! I said it! 😂 You already know I would retake a year if I could, just to be by your side!

GrayScale   03/09 at 7:32 PM

Thanks you. I really needed to hear that today! FUCK SOCIETY! Also, I know you would! How was your day?

DunnWthLfe   03/09 at 7:35 PM

Oh, it was actually very eventful! I guess you already heard about the new student in school. When my class found out, everyone freaked out! It was kinda funny to watch. 😂

GrayScale   03/09 at 7:38 PM

Really? Wow, your class truly is boring if that's the most exciting thing... On another note though! Any plans this weekend? Personally I'm free all weekend and will most likely be spending all day playing games in my room. What else is new?

DunnWthLfe   03/09 at 7:43 PM

Lucky you! I was originally planning on locking myself in my room all weekend and staying up all night to watch the latest episode of Bleak Stranger. The latest episode is supposed to be really good BUT my parent's gonna make the family spend time together to make up for the weekdays. So I probably won't be online that much. But you have fun with your game! 😑

GrayScale   03/09 at 7:47 PM

I'M SO EXITED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE! I've been waiting all week for it to drop... I'm still not over how they ended up killing Tanihara last episode! He was like the best part in the whole anime!!! I swear, they better resurrect him or bring him back somehow. I mean, he saved all of season 1!

DunnWthLfe   03/09 at 7:50 PM

I know! It's so sad to see him go... But I mean... He's not the best character in the show... 👀 Anyway, I'm gonna head off now! Have fun with your dear Tanihara 👀 Byee Gray 👋

GrayScale   03/09 at 7:51 PM

I sometimes question why I still talk to you...

Bye Dunn, talk more tomorrow!

Chat closed.

One unread message from Adrostic

Adrostic   03/09 at 6:34 PM

I guess you've been busy this past week too. But I'm glad to hear that everything seems to be going well for you.
Oh wow! Did anyone get it on film? I need to see it!

I'm sorry for not replying for a while, but a lot has happened in my life recently. I don't usually tell people this, but there's something about you that makes it easy for me to talk to you, and it's kind of... nice? I guess... But recently, my parents have been arguing alot and it's really taking a toll on me. I think it's taking a toll on all of us, but we never talk about it. They just ignore it as if it never happened when I'm around. And my dad has also started taking longer and longer shifts, so he always gets back extremely late.

My mom absolutely hates it, and so the fighting continues all day, everyday. I guess that's why my sister rarely calls them nowadays.

At least now that school's started up again, I can focus on other things besides them. But I don't think I'll be able to play anything with you for a while at least.

Anyways, how was your first day back? Did anything interesting happen?

My school's the same old, but damn, people change quickly over summer! I almost don't even recognise my classmates anymore! And I look the same... I think?

- A

DunnWthLfe   03/09 at 8:00 PM

A, I'm very sorry that that's happening right now. I can't really say from experience, but I can imagine how much it must suck to be in your situation... All I can say is, hang in there buddy! Hopefully they will figure out what's going on soon. But I'm very honored that you feel comfortable enough to talk to me. And for the thing with not being able to play... I promise you, I won't die! But I'll definitely miss you! *Faints dramatically*😉 But my first day back was quite good! It was actually a very eventful day. I mean, obviously there was some drama at school, no surprise there, but... A new student started in our class today, which was probably the most interesting thing to happen in my class in years. I showed her around the school and she seems really cool, ngl. 👀 And to answer if everyone looks different... I honestly don't know. I don't really look at other people. I mean, I can't tell you if you look the same... If only you sent me a pic of you, then I could tell you.😁

- D

Adrostic   04/09 at 4:52 PM

Thank you for being here. I feel like I need it right now. Just to know I'm not alone in all of this.

I knew you wouldn't be able to live without me! I'm so sorry, my darling! I'm coming to save you! (Reminder to myself, never use darling ever again...)

Oooh! A new classmate! That sounds very interesting... Is she cute?

Well, you should probably start paying attention to your surroundings a bit more then. You might have missed a hottie!

Not a chance! I guess you're gonna have to use your imagination instead. It'll be a lot more fun in my opinion. I mean, I'd also be very intrigued to find out what you imagine me looking like.

- A

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