Chapter 11

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It's finally friday! I've kind of been longing for this day. To finally be able to dress up without anyone judging you, and to make it even better, to be able to dress up with your friends!

We've recently been watching Attack on Titan season 1 together, so we of course decided on going as them. I'm going as Eren, Sophia as Mikasa, Jamie as Levi and Cal as Armin.

As soon as I get home, I go straight up to my room to get ready.

"I'm home!" I yell into the kitchen.

"Welcome back!" I hear Naomi yell back.

I almost couldn't even get my shoes off before I was halfway up the stairs. I walk into my room and put my bag in the same place as always on my chair and then I sit down on my bed.

I pick up my phone and check the time. 3 hours till we meet up. Well, better get to it then!

I throw the clothes onto the bed and look at it for a moment before putting it all on. The white button up shirt and the pants was the easy part and it almost gave me hope that the rest of the outfit was going to be easy to put on too, but then came the legstraps...

I lift the leather straps up and look at them. When they're all together like this, you would never be able to tell what it is. I let out a sigh as I start to unravel the straps, and then it was time to put it on. It took me at least thirty tries to figure out which hole my leg goes through and if it's on the right way, but after twenty minutes of trying, I finally got it. I let out a sigh of relief as I sink down into my bed and for a moment, I could almost feel myself drift off.

"Bzzt, bzzt."

I turn over onto my stomach when I heard the phone right next to me.

Jamie sent a picture

Jamie: Tell me again why we decided to go as Attack on Titan characters...

Attached to the message is a picture of Jamie in the mirror with the straps all tangled around his legs. He's trying to look funny by standing with his arms against himself and his hands pointing out, like those typical "funny" christmas movies do where the guy is tangled in christmas lights.

I type back a quick laughing emoji before putting down my phone and continue with the costume.

All I have to do now is to put on the contacts. I'm not a big fan of putting them in, so that's why I rarely use them. And to be honest, I much rather prefer how I look in glasses than without. But this is a rare occasion, so I don't mind them that much.

I fix my hair and split it to either side of my face to look more like Eren's... And I look weird. I'm not used to seeing myself in a middle part. To be fair, I'm not used to seeing myself in any other style either.

I stand in front of the mirror, just looking at myself. I actually do look like Eren. In a weird way. Now I can't wait to see the others!

. . .

We decided to meet up at Jamie's place at 8 PM. Cal is the designated driver today, so my mom drove me to Jamie's place. I tend to be very early to things, so when we arrive, I'm 10 minutes early. I wave my mom off as I reach the door. Jamie had said earlier that day that the door was going to be open, so we could just come in. So I do.

"Jamie, it's Ethan!" I yell as soon as I close the door.

"I'll be right there!" I hear yelling from upstairs, followed with some stomping.

Jamie lives in a huge house compared to mine. I remember the first time I went here. I was so jealous of how big it was. I mean, it even has its own swimming pool! We used to spend a lot of late summer nights out there, just me, Jamie and Cal. I wonder how it will be now that Sophia's with us...

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