Chapter Three

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TW: slight NSFW toward the end

The lights were low and the DJ was playing a fun mix of early 2000s R&B mashed up with club music. I had never been the type of girl that went out and partied much, but with a few drinks in my system and Hitoshi's encouragement, I actually found myself dancing and having a great time doing it.

Kirishima and Mina were also on the floor, dancing just slightly off to our left. Although, as the night went on it became less dancing and more grinding. But who am I to judge? What surprised me most is that Hitoshi was a surprisingly good dancer.

"Tosh, where'd you get these moves?" I asked lightheartedly.

"When you're friends with Kiri and Mina over there, you end up getting dragged out dancing all the time," he groaned, rolling his eyes playfully. He liked to keep up his brooding facade, but clearly he was loving every minute of this.

Hitoshi and I were suddenly dancing closer, not like Kirishima and Mina, but enough that I couldn't help but notice. I couldn't help but feel flustered either. I don't know if it was the alcohol, or the way we were dancing, but I was starting to see Hitoshi in an entirely different light.

Hitoshi placed my arms around his neck, inadvertently pushing our bodies together while we danced. Was he seeing me in a different light too? He leaned forward, his lips brushing my ear.

"I'm glad you're having such a good time. I do need a smoke break though," Histoshi said, "Why don't you go hang with Denki and Bakugo over there." Ahh, that's it. He was just getting closer so I could hear what he had to say over the music. I internally cursed myself for even letting myself think of Hitoshi that way.

My gaze followed where Hitoshi pointed, and nervousness immediately made my stomach tighten. "Okay... I guess," I responded.

Hitoshi patted my shoulder as he started heading toward the door, while I made my way back to the table. I could see Kaminari getting visibly excited by my approach, while Bakugo clearly couldn't care less.

"Having fun over here?" I asked, trying to drum up conversation.

"Yeah, me and Pouty McGee are having a great time," Kaminari said, indicating Bakugo was indeed Pouty McGee with a hand gesture, as if it wasn't obvious.

I chuckled at his lighthearted joking. "Thanks for coming out, by the way. I feel bad Hitoshi made you come all the way out here to celebrate the graduation of some girl you don't even know," I apologized, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it!" Kaminari said, "Besides, I'm sure we'll see you out in the field a lot. Speaking of, what hero name should I be calling you when I do see you out there?"

"Oh... I'm not a hero, so I don't really have one." I started awkwardly looking down at my hands.

"Tch," Bakugo scoffed at my answer. My head shot up in his direction. I wasn't expecting him to say anything to me at all tonight, let alone make some type of judgy noise at something I said.

"Is there something wrong with that?" I asked, trying to keep my voice light and give Bakugo the benefit of the doubt at the same time.

"It's stupid. Don't you want any privacy?" he shot back at me.

"I mean... I guess, but like I said, I'm not a hero. I'll just be patching people up and providing support here and there. I don't think it's really necessary" I said, snapping back but still trying to remain relatively calm. Kaminari watched the exchange, eyes wide, not knowing what to do.

"Your Grandma had a hero name, seems like she was smart enough to try to protect herself. But whatever, it's none of my business. I just figured with how secretive your little boyfriend is about his identity, you'd be cautious too" he retorted, crossing his arms and facing the other direction.

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