Chapter Five

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A/N: We're starting to get to the dramaaaaaa. This is my favorite chapter so far.

Before long Nishimura had shown me most of the spaces I would be working in at the agency: locker rooms, gym spaces, office spaces, break spaces, spaces upon spaces.

Our tour finally ended at a much larger, more lavish gym. It was almost like an arena, but outfitted with obstacles and lined along one side with armored vehicles and robots. There were no stadium chairs, but there was an observation area a few stories above the main floor, visible through several large windows.

No one occupied the observation area at the moment, but when we stepped into the arena my eyes immediately noticed two figures toward the center: the pro hero Shoto talking to someone who looked like a male counterpart to Nishimura. The male Nishimura nodded to us and then took off.

"Shoto, this is Recovery Girl," Nishimura said, gesturing towards me.

"No it's not, that's a young woman." He said in a monotone, confused voice.

"Ha... sorry, I actually am Recovery Girl. Well, I'm her granddaughter but I took her name as my own since she's retired," I clarified.

"Ah, I see," Shoto replied. I couldn't tell if he didn't care or if that was just how he sounded. I hadn't watched a lot of his interviews because they're usually pretty boring. Although for what he lacks in personality, he certainly makes up for in looks. But I tried hard to focus on the conversation rather than his perfect, godly face.

"Recovery Girl will be assisting you on the mission tomorrow. Endeavor thinks it would be a good idea for you to get comfortable with her quirk today before you use it out in the field. I'll leave you to it then," Nishimura explained, quickly making her exit. I wondered if she was always this busy.

I explained my quirk to Shoto and I swear I saw his cheeks go a little pink. "Alright then, show me how it works."

I nervously let out a deep breath that I hadn't realized I'd been holding in and stepped toward Shoto. He was significantly taller than I am, so I stood on my tippy toes to get closer. He leaned down towards me to close the remaining distance, and our lips connected.

Immediately a strong gust of wind appeared from nowhere, as per usual, blowing our hair skyward. Twinkling lights accompanied the wind, also per usual. And just as quickly as the lights and wind had arrived, they were gone.

I took a step back and watched Shoto's transformation. His already athletic body began to become visibly more muscular, veins and muscles pulsing beneath the surface of his skin. He was breathing faster but without the wheezing quality that would indicate fear or hyperventilation, just pure adrenaline. Shoto looked down at each hand, his strong pulse visible along the radius.

"Wow... I-" he cut himself off, not quite sure how to put his thoughts and feelings into words. He raised his right arm out to the side, and an incredible wall of ice erupted from it, rapidly taking over the arena.

I shuddered at the change in temperature as the wall continued to grow, taking up every free bit of space available in its path. Then it suddenly stopped. Shoto raised his right arm this time, somehow evaporating the wall as quickly as he had created it, steam rising in its wake.

Now I was sweating, feeling overwhelmed at the rapidly changing atmosphere, but unwilling to say something to make the hero in front of me stop. He needed to get used to the feeling of my quirk, it would be too intense to hit him with it for the first time during the mission tomorrow. As much as Endeavor and I had clearly gotten off on the wrong foot, I at least agreed with this decision.

Shoto stared at his hands, chest rising and falling rapidly. Finally he looked up at me, eyes wide, before returning his gaze to his hands again.

"I don't know what to say.... I feel like I'm high. It's almost... too much. How long does it last?" he asked.

Kiss of Life | K. Bakugoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن