Chapter Fifteen

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One of my favorite chapters. If you read fanfics, you know what always comes after smut and fluff😈😈
TW: Slight NSFW, not much though

"Hey asshole, get back here!" Katsuki sprung up from his seat, preparing to literally jump out of the window to chase the paparazzi down. I grabbed his arm, pulling him back down.

"Katsuki, it's not worth it." I tried to reassure him, but in my head I was panicking. I had gotten so wrapped up in our little romance, that I didn't stop to think of the repercussions. The hero gala was only a week ago, and as far as the public knew, Shoto and I were involved. Kissing Katsuki would look very, very bad.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone would notice us out here... I'll never get used to all the press bullshit."

"It's not your fault. If I wasn't wrapped up in this Shoto drama it wouldn't even matter. I'm just worried about how this will all play out... but who knows? It was just one guy, maybe the picture won't get picked up."

"Maybe. We should get out of here regardless." Katsuki placed a handful of bills on the table, more than was necessary to cover the meal, and grabbed my hand.

As we left the restaurant I noticed several customers trying to subtly record us with their phones. I'm sure Katsuki noticed too, but we were both trying to ignore them and salvage the rest of our night. The photo the paparazzi took was much more concerning than what these people might post on social media. Instead, my stomach churned thinking of what might happen when the press gets their grubby hands onto a picture of Katsuki and I kissing.

The air was silent between Katsuki and I as we headed toward the hardware store. It wasn't uncomfortable per say, but neither of us wanted to be the first to acknowledge what just happened. To be completely honest, we hadn't even acknowledged what happened earlier in the day either. Was this a one time thing? It felt like more but maybe that was all in my head.

We stumbled upon a little Mom & Pop type hardware store with all kinds of foreign-seeming bits and baubles hanging on the wall.

"So, what tools do you have at home?"

"Uhh... tools?" Katsuki grimaced at my response.

"Yeah, tools, dumbass. Like a drill maybe?"

"Don't call me a dumbass! Why would I have a drill?" I snarked back.

"I don't know, maybe to fix your door when some idiot breaks it!" Katsuki barked back sarcastically.

"It's not like I have assholes breaking my door every day! All I have is a screwdriver, maybe? One of the flat ones I think... and one of the little tools they give you with Ikea furniture that's shaped like an L."

Katsuki rolled his eyes dramatically, clearly displeased with my answer. He started grabbing things off the shelves. A different screwdriver, some screws, who even knows? He threw it all down on the counter without a word. I started to grab my wallet from my purse but he stopped me.

"I've got it Katsuki, you don't need to get this for me—"

"You got fired, remember?" he gruffed out.

"I didn't get fired! They're gonna bring me back after my suspension—"

"Stop being a stubborn brat, just let me do nice shit for you!"

"Fine, whatever," I groaned. Admittedly, I was a little nervous about whether or not Endeavor would take me back or if I'd be looking for a new job. Plus, I wasn't about to get in an argument with Katsuki in the middle of a hardware store over fifteen dollars.

I thought we would be heading back to my apartment after this, but Katsuki had another stop in mind—an electronics store.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, looking around, just as out of my element in the electronics store as I was in the hardware store.

Kiss of Life | K. BakugoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz