Chapter Twenty

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TW: cursing, slight suicidal thoughts

Bakugo's POV

"I-I-I'm s-sorry sir, I'm n-not supposed to tell you where Deku w-went," the mission coordinator stuttered out through his fear.

"Like hell you can't! My name is written on your paycheck with the same damn ink as that stupid nerd, so you're gonna tell me right now where he went, or you can pack up your shit and get out of here!" I'll be getting a phone call from HR for this, I'm sure. But it'll be worth it if this idiot gives me the location of Horikawa's latest hideout–the place where you were last seen.

"O-okay..." the kid sighed, defeated. "Here's the location... just... p-please stop yelling."

We shouldn't have someone so weak and easily intimidated as our mission coordinator, but that's a problem for another day. I snatched the post-it note with the address out of his shaking hand and practically ran to the parking garage.

After all the shitty therapy and bridge-building work I did with that stupid nerd, I couldn't believe he had the nerve to cut me out of this mission. Especially since it concerned you.

I didn't care that he tried to cut out eyebags too. In fact, that creep shouldn't have been anywhere near you. If he somehow got the address too and showed up, it'd take all the self control I had to keep from blowing his shitty head off his shoulders.

I tried not to speed on the way to the hideout, I really did. But it was two hours away, and I couldn't stand to waste any more time. I may have flipped off all the cars that beeped at me as I swerved around them, but fuck it... I wasn't in the mood to be polite.

The pavement looked unsteady as I got closer to the house, clueing me into the fact that the stupid Ketsubutsu Deku had used his quirk nearby. I pulled off the road and parked my car in the grass.

Speaking of Deku, I needed to avoid that useless piece of shit cause if I saw him, I might do something I'd regret. It'd be way too annoying to run the agency alone if I ended up killing the nerd. Luckily he was nowhere to be found. Instead, I made my way over to IcyHot, who was looking way too fucking relaxed while talking to one of his sidekicks.

"Where is she?" I barked as I neared the two extras.

"Bakugo! What are you doing here?" His eyes shifted back and forth, clearly trying to spot Deku.

"Leave the nerd out of this," I grabbed him by the collar harshly, eliciting a shocked gasp from his stupid fucking sidekick. "Where did the Puppet Master take her? You have two seconds to tell me before your head is a pile of ashes!" I popped off a few small explosions by his ear for effect.

"I'm not afraid of you Bakugo," his monotone voice pissed me off.

"Well you sure as hell should be–" I started to lose my shit, before I heard my name called out by an even more unwelcome voice.

"Bakugo, over here," it was the human trash can Shinso leaning against a rickety fence, partially obscured under the shadow of a tree. He was texting someone and didn't even look up while calling me over. Fuck that guy, how did he make it there before me?

Begrudgingly, I dropped Half-and-half's shirt. "What the fuck are you doing here, Eyebags?"

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing here, asshole? Stop wasting time, I have information and as much as I hate your guts right now, I know you're the only other person willing to break some rules to get her back."

I grunted in response, not yet willing to let him take control of this conversation.

Rolling his eyes, he continued. "They think she's at the Shibuya Excel Hotel in Tokyo, but they won't let us storm it because it's unconfirmed. Two people who fit her and Puppet Master's description entered through the back–" Sleepy Hollow shut his trap abruptly, looking wide-eyed at something behind me.

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