Chapter Four

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The morning is here! The morning is here!

I jolted awake and scrambled to turn off my alarm, knocking my phone to the floor in the process. After finally managing to end the offending sound, I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling, chest rising and falling rapidly from the rude awakening.

What the heck happened last night? I asked myself. Oh god... Hitoshi and I kissed. No, not kissed. Full on made out like teenagers.

And I have to see Aizawa today... I thought, groaning and roughly running my hands down my face. Okay, time to get ready.

It was Sunday and I was set to start at Endeavor's agency tomorrow. Aizawa wanted to check in on my training process and to make sure I was ready. I entered the empty gym and looked around until my eyes located the man, leaning against the cinderblock wall, as brooding as ever.

"Goooood morning!~~" I purposely said loudly in a sing-songy voice. His eyes snapped to me and he groaned in annoyance; exactly the reaction I had wanted.

"Remind me why I do this for you again," Aizawa scoffed. "I don't have all day, let's get started."

We ran through a series of drills designed to test my stamina, while mimicking obstacles I might come across in a rescue setting such as rubble and downed trees. Essentially, lots of running and jumping, my least favorite. I did my best to keep thoughts of making out with his son out of my mind... so awkward.

It seems my times and form were favorable despite my mental distraction, because Aizawa didn't have a ton of critiques. If anything, I felt like something else was on his mind. Big surprise, since it seems like everyone wants to impart all of their unsolicited wisdom lately.

"Kid, take care of yourself tomorrow. If Endeavor tries to pull something, come right to me, okay?" he said, finally getting to the point.

Out of breath from just finishing our last drill, "Okay, okay. I will," I huffed. "But you'll be happy to know I'm going to take a hero name."

"Good... What changed your mind?"

"Bakugo, actually. And Kaminari a little bit too, I guess," I answered cryptically, laughing at the awkward memory of Kaminari hitting on me.

Aizawa rolled his eyes, likely imagining a host of situations those two could put me in that would make me want to protect my privacy.

"Well, whatever the reason, it's a good call. Have you decided on a name yet?" he asked.

"Yeah, I think so... I just have to get permission to use it first," I responded. Aizawa cocked his eyebrow in a questioning way, but I changed the subject before we got too deep into discussion.


Later that night I visited Mom and Grandma. Grandma had moved in with Mom not long after she retired from UA. She was certainly getting old, and I hated seeing her need help getting around and performing daily activities. But it was probably good that they're together all of the time now.

Grandma may need help physically, but she has always been mentally solid as a rock. Mom, on the other hand, was just the opposite. After Dad left, she always struggled with insecurity issues and general bouts of paranoia. She couldn't handle being alone for long periods of time, and could never maintain a healthy relationship with any of the guys she dated.

She was always... fragile.

I guess as a reaction to the way Mom went about life, I always strived to be the opposite. I had to be the strong one for the two of us. When Mom went off the deep end, I always did what I could to reel her back in.

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