Chapter Twenty One- Chasing love

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The Empire path had been slightly dampened by the late night drizzle that had occurred. Chima treaded carefully as he made his way towards the Shintu territory .He felt the chilly breeze wrap his skin in coolness with the wind lashing upon his face as he ran to cover ground. The overwhelming pressure he was experiencing was daunting.

He did not know if his efforts would surmount to anything, not knowing if he would be caught by the enemy warriors, or worse, get there and realize that he was too late and Runesu would be gone. Consolation subsided within Chima as he saw the remnants of the old Pokoda settlements, marked with chevron designs on the granite block layering. Finding it odd that there were no footprints on the soft muddy path, he wondered if he took the wrong path, he could not have possibly been the first to get there. Staying alert, Chima took cover behind a msasa tree and waited, hoping the tall grass around him was enough to enclose his presence against the Shintu.

The sun rose, cutting into the cold and there was still no sign of anyone present. Suddenly hearing the swift movement of grass and a muffled scream, Chima frantically looked around to pin point where this movement was coming from.

"Okay let's go!"

Sighting a large framed figure looking towards the mountainous yonder, Chima followed suit. His eyes were met by the frightening sight of Shintu men lined up in their masses, equipped with spears in hand and bows on back ready to attack. Pokoda would not be able to withstand such force even if he was to run back and warn them before they got there. The heat of war in the Shintu's eyes would not burn out easily. Their strength was gained from hatred and vengeance.


It was Runesu! Was that Menhe?

"I'm trying!"

A female voice shrieked. Leaping up from the tall grass stood Amasa in hand behind Runesu. Menhe aided Amasa as she stood up and picked up a few items on the floor before they all began to run towards the Shintu warriors. They were going to die! Chima needed to get to them and stop them, especially for the Princess' sake. Running and catching up to them was easy. Trained to run for days in harsh terrain compared to this, Chima ran lightly on his feet, intuitively dodging any hindrances like an impala in the plains, getting closely behind them in a short moment.

"Stop right there Runesu!"

They continued Running. Menhe looked back and stopped abruptly.

"Go back Chima, you won't have to die."

Menhe's ever present confidence oozed out of his statement, in a battle stance with his fingers lingering close to his waist, he anticipated victory if they had to fight. Chima always admired that about Menhe, hoping one day to radiate that same power as he emulated Menhe throughout his training.

"On my parents graves, I cannot just let them go."

Chima bagan advancing towards Menhe who stood planted in position. Menhe dropped the sac he held in his other hand. He drew out a dagger that was latched onto his waist and another from the strap on his thigh.

"This is your last chance my brother, I will have to kill you. Go back home!"

Chima drew his dagger and threw the bow on his back off. He stood tall and glared back at his once fellow warrior.

"This is treason Menhe! I will have to stop you even if it is the last thing I do."

Runesu and Amasa sensed the lack of Menhe's presence behind them, stopping in their tracks and turning to the scene of two strong men on the brink of death by the dagger. Amasa's eyes grew wide and Runesu gasped.


Holding the carved dagger's grip firm, Chima charged towards Menhe with a burst of unapologetic power. Springing up with the dagger in his left hand, he targeted for Menhe's chest. Runesu and Amasa watched in fear for bloodshed so early in the morn.

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