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Theres something about that team. You cant put your finger in it but it's like...who knows. At the moment you and tsukki were walking back to his house. He'd sight from time to time, nothing to special. "Aye short stack" you look at up knowing hes talking about you. "Hm?" "When we get there tell my mom you're dating me"

"HUH?!" you sound fluster and shy. "She thinks I cant date someone. Says it's cool I play volleyball but its just...not it?" He shrugs. "Just for this night, not like she'll ever see you again" you pink and flustered just stare at him. God this guy. "F...fine" he smiles. "Nice! Thanks I own you something" "your name!" "No." You groan.

Once at his house you both take your shoes off at the front and his mom walks over once she notices you. "Oh hello! Who must you be?" She smiles "I'm y/n" she looks delighted tsukki brought a girl home. "By chance are you his girlfriend?" It takes you a second but you nod and she looks even more happy. "That's great! I made food so if either of you are hungry it's in the fridge"

You both go upstairs. You look around, "dinosaurs?" He becomes pink "They're not..mine" you smirk and look at his bed. On it were a few pillows a big blanket and 2 stuffed animals, one was a lizard and another was a penguin in a dinosaur costume. You still smirking chuckle.

His room looked like that one kids from cocomelon the one that likes dinosaurs a little too much. "Uhm I'll sleep on the floor and you can sleep in the bed" he says before sitting down at his desk. "Nah it's fine I like the floor" he turns and looks at you confused.

After a few minutes he stands up. "Wants some pants and a shirt or no?" You nod assuming hes going to give you some of his moms clothes but no he reaches into his closet and pulls out a box. In there were some clothes that could fit you. Basketball shorts, sweatpants, shirts, and some socks.

"These are my clothes from middle school, I grew out of them." He pushes the box to you and you look in. You grab sweats and a big shirt. "You can go to the bathroom that's in my room" oh yea forgot to mention his house is HUGE so he had a bathroom in his room.

You walked in and closed the door. You had a weird feeling about that guy. Feels like hes known you for years. Or you knew him. Like you've seen him or hes been around you. Looking around the room you're now in you see a bottle of perfume. You pick it up and look at it. "I've seen this before..."

You've been in there for 2 minutes. Looking at the bottle and trying to change at the same time. You place the bottle back down, trying to remember. AH THERE IT IS! You rember. It was your old perfume back in middle school. You took it to school once and lost it. But you never took it out your locker. Someone stole it.

You walked out and you just saw tsukki placing down a few pillows on a small air mattress. "Oh you're back, uhm my mom found this is the basement and gave me it just in chance you're not comfortable sleeping with me cause well....we're dating?"

This guy. He doesnt know how to phrase things you giggle a little. He looks at you "alright then...uhm" he lays down on his bed "nigh-AH WTF IS THAT!" He rolls out his bed after feeling something. You speed walk to him "what's wrong"

"Theres something in my bed!" You pick up the blanket and see a figure. You turn on the lights and see a cat. "Pfffttt you got scared of the kitty" you smile and pet him or her. "Oh- it's just stella" "stella?" "Stella rose" you hum after he says that. 

"Alright night...for real" he pats your head and lays down with Stella Rose. This guy..I swear. "Night"


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