Chapter 1 [He knows!?]

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I'm in class right now, I'm not paying attention cause well, midoriya is way more important and cuter.

Tho stupid uraraka likes him And bakugou bullys him tch, yet bakugou likes kirishima so he won't be in my way and he said sry which sucks cuz i wanted to kill him but ya know if he said sry and dosen't like whats mine, theres no point in killing him really.

On the other hand i will kill uraraka,I don't care about her, she likes whats mind and i can't have can i?

But anyway, this class is to boring, Plus I'm also a villain cuz of my old man yet mainly cuz midoriya is adorable, i blush a bit looking at my midoriya inlove just wanting him and i touch each other and kiss all night.

I blush even more looking at my midoriya being inlove with him, I mean his just adorable, i wish he was mine already..

"Shoto, pay attention" i hear eraserhead say

Everybody looks at me and i stop blushing and look up front acting like I have no emotions

"Oh,sorry sensei" i say

"Mhm, right sure you are shoto" Eraser says to me

Then i hear Iida say "you should be paying attention in class shoto, you could miss something important in are class if you don't pay attention as well as it's my duty as class rep to make sure your paying attention in senseis class so your not missing anything!"

"SHUT UP FOUR EYES!" I hear bakugou say which I'm gald cuz well i hate Iida alot due to him thinking he can boss everyone around

"Anyway, since now i forgot what i was teaching, I'm moving you all around in different seats and you problem children are gonna make two desk a table pushing them together making you problem children have someone next to you" Aizawa says

"OMG! EKKK! WE GET TO HAVE A PARTNER!" mina says happily

If i don't get my midoriya, I'm killing who ever sits next to him.

"So, move your desk around and then sit at your desk and I'll decide who gose where" Aizawa says

We all got up and put are desk next to someone unluckily uraraka got to my midoriya first which I'm totally killing her if eraser says shes staying there.

"Hm, alright here are the pairs, you problem children can figure out if you want to stay at your seat or go to your partners" Aizawa says



"Bakugou, kirishima"







"Problem child,Shoto" Eraserhead says

I soon start to blush to hear I'm sitting next to midoriya and bakugou gave me the, Oooo look in that moment i realized he knows i like midoriya which was shocking but i grabbed my bag and walked over to uraraka and my midoriya.

"...oh..your coming over here..." uraraka says

"Yeah, why?" I say

"...M-maybe um sensei got are names mixed up i mean I'm sure he did!!" Uraraka says

"Huh? Um uraraka, todoroki-kun is my desk partner and your minas so you should go to minas desk!" Midoriya says

"...H-HE GOT ARE N-NAMES MIXED UP I JUST KNOW IT!" Uraraka yells out

I See everyone looking at us tho my eye started to twitch cuz uraraka was YELLING AT MY MIDORIYA.

"Uraraka, go sit next to mina" Aizawa says

"B-BUT-" Before uraraka could say even a other word i acted before thinking and picked uraraka up sitting her next to mina throwing her suff to her and i sat next to midoriya.

Everyone's eyes widened, they didn't think i could get anger or whatever but in the end, i got to sit next to my midoriya!

"Y-you wanted to sit next to me that bad huh..?" i hear midoriya say

I here him studder and felt bad a bit

"Oh, yeah, i did" i say

"Icyhot has a cr-" before bakugou says another word i simply say

"Bakugou was looking at your abs in the locker room the other day kirishima" i say lending back against the chair

Bakugou blushes alot

"I-I DID NOT! YOUR THE ONE WHO-" before bakugou could finish that sentence the bell rings

"..bakubro did you really look at my abs..?" Kirishima says

"N-NO I WOULD NEVER." bakugous yells out

I heard giggling and looked at midoriya to find him giggling, i blushed at the giggling cuz it was cute..

"Your mine"  [Yandere Shoto X Izuku]Where stories live. Discover now