Chapter 15 [ Emotional🤧]

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~2 later in the car still~


I feel something moving, i open my eyes waking up and see a very dark sky and stars, bright lights and see bakugou driving.

I hear sleeping nosies to see my baby asleep and i blush.

I carefully sat up and my babys head fell on my shoulder, i blushed a bit more.

I check my phone to see it's around 10pm.

My eyes widened to see what the time was.

I put my phone down on the seat tho i felt a head of some kind, i looked down to see the waiter that was at the restaurant, dead.

"Bakubro..did you really have to kill her?" Kirishima says

"She was blushing at you kiri~kun!" Bakugou says

"Yeah but...she was just a fan.." Kirishima says

"She. Was. Blushing." Bakugou says getting mad

I guess they don't know I'm awake...i think in my head.

I here my baby waking up.

Tho then..i here yelling..arguing from Kirishima and bakugou..

I jumped a bit and shaked a little getting flashbacks.

"T-todoroki-kun...?" Midoriya says

I put my knees to my chest holdinf my ears letting tears fall.


My eyes widen to hear kacchan and kiri fighting and to see todoroki-kun..secerd and crying a bit..

I moved todoroki-kun into my lap carefully and put his head on my chest.

"B-baby...?" Shoto says

I see todoroki-kun look up at me with his eyes in shock.

"Shh..I'm here todoroki-kun, you don't have to be secerd alright?" I say trying to make todoroki-kun non sad.

Todoroki-kun snuggled into my chest and holds onto my waist tightly still shaking alot.

I hug back and rub my fingers in todoroki-kuns hair to clam him down.

"..p-please d-don't..l-leave.." shoto says

"I promise...i won't, I'll be here for you alright? I always will todoroki-kun.." i say

We both feel the car stop and there bith still arguing..

I hugged todoroki-kun tighter to me trying to clam him down but not knowing how, or why they are yelling...

I got tired of it and yelled out


There eyes widen and looked at me and todoroki-kun.

I look away from them not wanting to even look at them.

I feel todoroki-kun hugging me even tighter

"...i-i wanna walk back..." shoto says

All of our eyes widened.

"C-carry me...p-please baby...?" Shoto says

I didn't know what to say but i grabbed todoroki-kuns phone and got out.

"W-WAIT DEK-" before kacchan could even finish that sentence i slammed the door and started walking carrying todoroki-kun.

I feel his head snugge in my shoulder and i blush slightly.

"" shoto says

"O-oh um..yeah no problem...." i say

I carry todoroki-kun for a while then it started to rain and we had to go under a bus stop place and sit.

"'s raining" shoto says

"Yeah.." i say

Todoroki-kun sits up and looks at me blushing.

"W-what is it todoroki-kun..?" I say

"..just..i don't know..i mean..i wanna be with you 24/7 and..we do everything i wanna do..b-but..i..don't wanna..trun out to b-be like t-the fire ball..." Shoto says holding back tears

I feel really sry for him, i understand that he wants to do everything he wants..i get it now..its a yandre thing..yet..he dosen't wanna trun out like..endeavor..

I put my hand on the side of todoroki-kuns face and rubs his light red scar carefully.

"H-huh...?" Shoto says

I kissed todoroki-kun on the lips, i felt his face get wram and felt his face move from widen eyes most likely.

I feel a kiss back from him, I feel his hands and arms wrap around me, i blush of course.

We kiss for about around 15 seconds i would say then we both broke the kiss and loooked at each other not knowing what to say or do.

Then i say these words

"You can tell me..whatever you want me to do, I'll listen to some and some i may not, but if you to..really love someone besides murdering people and stuff, we can make it work, no I'm not sayong you can't murder people, I'm ok with it as long as you don't hurt me or anybody i care about, Alright?"

I see todoroki-kuns eyes widen.

He looks down then back up not knowing what to say.

His adorable at times like this to be honest!

"...s-so your saying..i really..don't understand...h-how to love...?" Shoto says

I see him look up at me kinda confused and upset a bit mad.

"..i mean if you believe that this is true love then no..b-but i mean i don't mind if your a villain or a hero, as long as you treat me as your one and only, then i Don't mind!" I say

I see todoroki-kun poke his fingers together cutely looking down feeling embarrassed.

"T-then..can you...s-show me how to..really love you...?" Shoto says

I giggled at that knowing his confused and questioning his love for me.

"You do love me, you just don't understand how to deal with a relationship is all!" I say smiling

Todoroki-kun looks up at me and I see a bit of a smile on todoroki-kuns face blushing alot from embarrassed and from loving me psychopathly

"O-ok! Then..i wanna..learn how to be in a relationship with" shoto says

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