First day at Kaijo

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Yukio Kasamatsu X reader

"Beep beep beep!!"

You sighed as your alarm went off, shifting slightly you kept hitting your arm on the dresser trying to turn it off. After a few frustrating seconds you whipped out of bed and threw the clock to the ground, after it still wouldn't stop beeping you began to smash it with your foot. After successfully smashing it to smithereens you ran your hand through your hair sighing. You had just moved to a new house and today was your first day at Kaijou High School. You quickly showered and threw on your uniform. After making some toast you went on your way to Kaijo. As you walked to school you checked Oho Asa, not that you took what they said seriously, but they usually hit the nail on the head. Today [ your zodiac sign] were in first place, and your lucky place was a sports ground. You were thinking of joining their basketball team so this was perfect.
Your first few periods were very boring and no one seemed to care that you were joining. Everyone pretty much ignored you. It was fine with you, you weren't very good with new people anyways. So for lunch you decided to go up to the roof. Laying out your uniform jacket you sat down on it and brought out your bento with you had wrapped with a [favorite color] clothe. As you were eating you heard the door open and looked to see who it was. An eccentric blonde was looking at you.
"Oh hi!! You're the new student [l/n]-chan right?"

You looked at the blonde with a puzzled look before replying "Yea.... You are?"

Kise pouted at your response as he sat next to you "Awwww!! [l/n]-chan doesn't know who I am!?!?"

You thought about it for a moment, "Nope, sorry can't say I do."

"I am Kise Ryouta! The ace of Kaijo's team and a handsome model! We have first period together! Anyways [l/n]-chan, what are you doing up here all alone?"

Sighing, you told him "Didn't make any friends during my first few periods so I don't have anyone to eat with. So I came up here, what about you?"

"I was being chased by fangirls so I had to come up here, and how did you not make any friends?!? [l/n]-chan is so pretty and cute!! I'll be your friend!!"

You turned away from Kise to hide the blush on your face.

Kise smiled and laughed "See?!? So kawaii!!"

"T-thank you Kise-kun..."

The bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. You stood up and said goodbye to Kise.

The rest of your day was the same, boring and lonely. You saw Kise-kun walking in front of you so you called to him. He turned around and smiled, stopping to wait for you. "Hi Kise-kun!! Where are you heading?"

"Oh, I'm heading to basketball practice, wanna come and watch me?"

"Oh, basketball practice?!? Do they have a girl's team, I want to play"

"Sadly they don't. Sorry [l/n]-chan"

"That's okay I'll just watch Kise-kun play then!!"

"Hmm my lucky place today is a sports ground!" you thought as you walked.

What do you guys think of my first X reader fanfic!?! I hope it was ok!!
I'll be updating tomorrow! Please don't forget to vote, share or comment!!

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