Technically it was a date

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"Kise-kun, Kasamatsu-senpai!! What are you doing?"

Kise and Kasamatsu had caught up to you, both bending over and panting trying to catch their breath.

"We can't let you just walk home alone!! What if something happens?"

"Well I was going to go get something to eat if you guys want to join?"


Kasamatsu mumbled something his face bright red.
"What was that senpai?"


You laughed lightly, "That sounds good senpai! Kise-kun you in?"


You began walking together to Maji's burger until Kise's phone began to ring. When he got off the phone he pouted.
"I have to go now, the modeling agency just called. They need me to come in since the other model got sick."

"Alright Kise-kun see ya later!!"

"Bye [l/n]cchi!! Senpai, take care of her and make sure she gets home safe!!"


Kise-kun ran off, not wanting to get one of Kasamatsu's famous kicks to the back. Kasamatsu and you continued to walk to Maji's Burger, he kept fidgeting and only really looked at the ground, taking quick glances at you here and there. When you guys got there he opened the door for you. You blushed and thanked him while walking in.
"What do you want to order Kasamatsu-senpai?"

"Umm... J-just a vanilla m-milkshake..."

"Okay senpai!!"

You went to order a burger and 2 vanilla milkshakes, one for you and one for him.

"Here you go senpai!" you said as you handed him his shake. Your fingers brushed against each other slightly which causing you both to feel a tingling sensation. You quickly pulled your hand away and sat down in the seat across from him. You both ate and drank in silence. The silence was to much for you so you decided to break it.
"So senpai, tell me about yourself."

You immediately cursed yourself because you didn't mean for it to come out so bluntly.
"Sorry only if you want to..."
you corrected yourself.

He stayed silent for a moment and intensely staring down at his milkshake.
"..... W-what would you l-like to know?"

"Things like your zodiac sign, favorite color, things you like to do, anything really."

"A-ah, okay. I'm a Leo. My f-favorite color is b-blue. Whenever I'm not busy I usually l-like to play guitar. When I finish high school I-I'd like to g-get a job at a m-music store. What about you?"

"I'm a [zodiac sign] My favorite color is [favorite color]. Whenever I'm not busy I like to [hobby]. When I graduate high school I'd like to go to college to study to be a [career]."
You both continued to talk for about a half an hour until you realized the time.

"E-eh?!? It's already this late!! We should really get going!"

"A-ah right! I'll walk you h-home!!"

You both got up and began to walk home.
As you got to your neighborhood Kasamatsu gave you a confused look and said "O-oh... We l-live in the s-same neighborhood..."

"Oh I never noticed!"

As you continued to walk you asked him
"C-could I have your n-number?"
you blushed slightly and looked down at the ground.

Kasamatsu blushed deeply before asking to see your phone so he could enter his number in. After typing in his number and name he handed it back to you. He looked down at the ground, his face was so adorable you couldn't resist taking a picture. After taking the picture he looked up upon hearing the click.

"E-eh!?!? Why are y-you taking a p-picture of me!?!"

You laughed slightly as he turned a darker shade of red. "Don't worry I'm just taking a picture for your contact."

You arrived at your house and bid Kasamatsu good-night.

"Good night Kasamatsu-senpai! We should do this again sometime!"

He blushed and mumbled good night and went off to his house.

Later that night you couldn't help but think about earlier when you touched fingers. You looked at your hand while thinking "What was that I felt? It wasn't like being shocked, it felt like when my hand goes to sleep but went away quickly... Wait..... Was today technically a date?"
You sighed, confused about your feelings for Kasamatsu.
He was very caring and the way he reacted around girls was adorable. You think you liked him. You slowly fell asleep thinking of him. ❤️
Ohmygosh! No way!! 81 reads! You all are amazing *\(^o^)/* Since I got to 81 reads I decided to double update today!!
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