School time!

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The next day you walked to school Kise was waiting for you at the gate. "Hi [l/n]cchi!! Come on!!" You quickly went to Kise, trying to ignore the glares you were receiving from all of his jealous fans.
"What's up Kise?"

"I need you to meet me in the gym during lunch ok?!?"

"Alright Kise, you know you could've just told me during class you didn't have to wait for me here to tell me."

"Hmmm? Oh yea, we have first period together, it seems I forgot." he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

You headed to first period together and sat next to each other. The teacher gave the class a worksheet and told them to work amongst themselves, not caring what you did as long as you kept the noise down and finished your work. Kise and you talked and started getting to know each other better. He questioned you alot. After he finished questioning you, you asked about him. He began to talk animatedly about himself, his old team and his senpai. "Senpai is so mean to me sometimes, he hits and yells at me alot!!" You laughed as Kise pouted.

Class ended and you were pretty sad that you had no other classes with the exciting blonde. You waved goodbye and went on your way to your next period, music class. You sat down in an empty seat by the window, leaning your hand on your palm and and staring out of it. You heard someone sit in the chair next to you so you turned to see who it is. You were very surprised to see Kasamatsu. "K-kasamatsu-senpai!! What are you doing here?!"

He blushed a deep red and managed to stutter out "T-this is t-the advanced m-music class and I-I play guitar. W-what are y-you doing here?"

You smiled at his reaction. The way he was around girls was so adorable!!
"Oh yea, I play guitar too!! I was in the advanced class for all my years in middle school so I guess they decided to put me in advanced here."

"O-oh that's c-cool."

"Hey we should play together sometime!! It'd be so cool!"


You noticed he was uncomfortable so you decided to doodle into your notebook. You started to doodle your old basketball team. Kasamatsu watched you draw.

"A-are you d-drawing a basketball team? D-did you used to p-play?"

Surprised that he started talking to you again you stuttered. "Y-yea, I u-used to be the c-captain. It's too bad they don't have a girl's team here."

"Y-yea, I-if you want y-you can practice w-with us..." He turned away to hide his blush.

"Really?!? That'd be great!! Thanks senpai!!" you hugged the blushing male, making him turn 50 shades of red darker.

"N-no problem..."
2nd period ended and you bid goodbye to Kasamatsu. The rest of your classes before lunch you spent finishing your drawing of your old team. When it was lunch time you quickly made your way to the gym so you could meet Kise.

"[l/n]cchi!! You're here!!"

"Yup, so why'd you want to meet you here?"

"Kasamatsu-senpai said you could practice with us when I asked him yesterday!! So I decided before the actual practice we could play 1 on 1."

"Alright Kise-kun!! Just let me put down my stuff." You put your binder and lunch onto the bench and tied your hair up. You turned to face Kise. "I'm ready now! Better be prepared because I won't go easy on you." you said with a sly grin.

Kise chuckled "I won't go easy on you easy on you either! Prepare to face one of the 6 Generation of Miracles."

Kise gave you the ball first. You dribbled and faked him out. Instead of going past him you stepped back and shot a 3 pointer. Kise stared at you with his jaw dropped, obviously shocked you went for a shot instead of going past him. Kise's look was soon replaced with a smirk as he copied your trick. Now it was your turn to be shocked.
"H-how did you copy my move?"

Kise grinned "That's my talent, copying others."

This went on until lunch was over. Kise had beat you by 13 points, it was 35-22.
You were beaming with pride, you had held your own against one of the Generation of Miracles. Even if you lost you were still very happy!
"Wow [l/n]cchi you're really good! We should play again another time!!"

"Thanks!! I wasn't captain for no-"

You were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. You turned to see Kasamatsu blushing deeply while looking at the two of you.
"Oh Kasamatsu-senpai, how long have you been here?"

He blushed even more, "I-I was w-watching the whole g-game... You're r-really good."

You blushed and smiled at him.
"Thanks senpai!!"

You grabbed your stuff bidding Kise and Kasamatsu goodbye telling them you'd see them at practice later.

Hope you guys like the update!! :3
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