Holding hands

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The next morning you woke up to your annoying alarm, which you had to buy since you broke the other one.
"Ne.... Why do I have to get up."
You pouted as you began to get ready for school. When you were gathering your school and practice stuff you realized that you still had Kasamatsu's jersey. You decided you'd give it to him during your morning practice. You grabbed a black duffel bag and stuffed your [color] basket ball shoes, some black basketball shorts and a kind of loose [color] long sleeved sweatshirt. You went downstairs and put some toast in the toaster. You sat down and played on your phone as you waited. Your thoughts drifted back to what happened yesterday.

"Maybe I should text him... Yea I'm gonna text him."

You: Ohayo senpai!! (⌒▽⌒)
Kasamatsu: Good morning
You: No emoticon? No nothing?
Kasamatsu: Baka if you want me to put an emoticon fine (¬_¬)
You: Yay!!(≧∇≦)
Kasamatsu: Are you ready for practice? Make sure to bring better practice clothes than last time.
You: I did senpai! Oh and I forgot to give you back your jersey! I'll bring it to practice."
Kasamatsu: Alright. *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
There I hope your happy. I put in another emoticon thing.
You: I'm super happy now!! Senpai is the best! *\(^o^)/*

You went of your messages to go check oha asa. Your sign was in 5th place. Your lucky item today was a [color] [favorite animal] plush.
"Before practice I should stop by the store to buy one."
You grabbed your stuff and your toast and headed off to the store. You bumped into Kasamatsu along the way.
"Hey Kasamatsu-senpai!!"

Yukio turned to look behind him to see who was calling him.

"O-oh hey [l/n]-chan. Y-You're heading p-practice too r-right?"

You shook your head, "No not yet! I'm going to the store to get a [color] [favorite animal] plush. It's my lucky item today."

Kasamatsu gave you a puzzled look.
"Do you r-really believe i-in that?"

You shook your head again, "No not really, but since Oha Asa is usually right, which is scary. I decided I'd stick to it."

"A-ah okay. Would you like me to come with you?"

"If you want to senpai."

"Okay I'll come with."

You headed to the store and bought your plush. Their were a lot of people as you were exiting the store so you grabbed Kasamatsu's hand so you wouldn't lose him, you felt that same tingling sensation and you lightly blushed. His face turned a bright red as he flinched away from you.
"W-what are y-you doing?!"

"I'm holding senpai's hand so we don't get separated."

"A-ah ok."

He quickly fixed your hands so that they were laced. You both walked to school blushing. As you got closer to the school you saw that the sakura tree leaves were falling everywhere and looked really pretty. You pointed to the trees and said
"Senpai don't the trees looks so pretty?"

"Y-yea they do." As he said this a leaf landed in your hair. He turned to you and took the leaf out of your hair, then pushed the strand of hair behind your ear, gently placing his hand on your cheek afterwards. You were both looking into each others eyes for a while until you heard a camera clicking. You both jumped and separated, blushing a deep red. You both turned to see Kise with a camera. Kasamatsu yelled at him.
"What the hell Kise!! Don't take pictures of others without permission."
you watched as Kasamatsu hit Kise in the back of the head.
"Gomenasai! Stop hitting me senpai! The two of you were so cute together I couldn't resist."

"B-baka!! How long have you been taking pictures?!?"

Kise grinned "For awhile now, ever since you guys started talking about the trees."

Kasamatsu ticked at this.
"That's it!! You get two times your set for the rest of the week!"

Kise sweat dropped. "B-but senpai!!!" he whined.

Kasamatsu was getting more ticked by the second "Make that three!!!"

You giggled as you watched the two fight.
"Senpai, Kise-kun, come on we're going to be late to practice!!"

The two reluctantly followed you. You arrived at the gym and immediately went to go get changed, but before getting to the changing room you realized you still had Kasamatsu's jersey.
"Kasamatsu-senpai!! Here's your jersey, sorry I keep forgetting to give it to you!!"

"It's ok... Thanks."

You changed quickly and went back out. As Kasamatsu went out of the guy's locker room you realized you both had the same type of clothes on just different colors. You giggled and grabbed your phone.

"Kasamatsu-senpai you and I have the same type of clothes on!!"

Kasamatsu glanced at you and then down at his uniform, then back to you.

"Eh!! H-how!"

You giggled as you took pictures of Kasamatsu.

"Kise come here and take a picture please."

You handed Kise your phone and then ran up to Kasamatsu, grabbing his arm and snuggling into his side.
You put up the peace sign with your other hand. Kasamatsu was frozen in place and had a dark blush going across his face. After Kise took a few photos you let Kasamatsu go, as you did he let out a breath you didn't even know he was holding in. You got your phone from Kise and put it away. Kasamatsu who had finally started to move again started practice
"Alright let's start with warm-ups now!!"
"Eh Hayakawa!! You can do better than that!! How did Kobori get that ball from you?!?"

"Moriyama!! Quit flirting with [l/n]-chan I'll hit you!!"


Practice went on with Kasamatsu constantly yelling about some of his teammates either flirting with you or getting distracted by you. It wasn't too bad he only really yelled like 10 times. During practice you found out you could only copy small moves, like different types of ankle breakers, dribbling styles, and close range shots, and dunks. You managed to copy some of Kasamatsu's movements.
Practice ended quickly and you were on your way to 1st period.
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