Team manager?

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As always your last 2 classes before lunch were as boring as ever. When the 4th period bell rang, signaling lunch time you ran off out of class wanting to get out of there as fast as you can.

"If I was there for another minute I think I would've died from an overdose of boring." you thought to yourself as you went up to the roof. The roof was empty when you got there so you laid down your uniform jacket, and unpacked your lunch. You had cooked your lunch the night before and packed it. You had made [favorite food]. You heard the door open and you looked over to see Kasamatsu.

"Hey senpai!! Do you know where Kise is?"

He rubbed the back of his neck while blushing madly "I d-don't know exactly.... He said something about an emergency at his agency..."


Kasamatsu sat down next to you and unpacked his bento. You ate in a comfortable silence. As you finished your lunch you began to feel sleepy. Kasamatsu had also finished his lunch and had put it to the side. So you decided to lay your head in his lap. Kasamatsu flinched as you rested your head.

He yelled as his face turned a bright red.

"I'm sleepy, so I laid my head in your lap. I hope you don't mind."

"A-ah. Okay...."

He fidgeted a little, trying to become comfortable as you laid on his lap. He couldn't help but stare at your face as you slept peacefully in his lap. You spent the rest of lunch like this, you sleeping with your head on his lap, and he was sleeping leaning against the wall. The bell woke you both up, when you both had realized how you fell asleep you quickly separated, your faces blushing furiously. You bid each other good-bye and went your separate ways.
The rest of your classes weren't too bad, but they weren't that great either. As the day drew to an end you were excited. You loved basketball, so just thinking of practice made you happy. When the bell rang you quickly gathered your things and headed toward the gym. You met up with Kise on the way.

"Hey Kise-kun!! Where were you at during lunch?"

"Oh my agency called and they needed another male model. The other one had an emergency to go too."

"Ah ok!!"

You walked to the gym with Kise talking about how both of your days had gone. When you got to the gym you quickly went to go get changed. You cane back out to most of the team their and them warming up. You joined in with them. You then noticed that the boys coach was there. You payed no mind to him really. He hadn't said anything about you practicing and carried on coaching. In the middle of practice he pulled you to the side.

"Ah Takeuchi-sensei!! What is it?"
You asked with a puzzled look.

"You know I have nothing against you practicing with us. It's just since you won't be able to play in any of the games, I was wondering if you'd be the team manager. You can keep practicing with them if you like, but as team manager I'd like for you to take notes on what they can improve on, and if possible study the other teams we play/will play."

"Of course I'll become a team manager sensei!! Thank you so much!!"

You bowed, grinning wide. He dismissed you and you went back to practice. Kise ran up to you, wondering why the coach pulled you aside.

"Ah!! What happened [l/n]chii!! Is he mad that you're training with us? Did you do something bad? Are you still going to practice with us?!?"

The blonde along with the rest of the team (excluding Kasamatsu) continued to bombard you with questions, Kasamatsu interrupted their ramblings by hitting them in the head.

"Bakas!! She can't answer you if you keep asking questions!!"

They apologized and gave you a look telling you that they really wanted to know what happened.

"Coach just wanted me to become team manager, I can still practice with you guys though. I just have to take notes on what you guys can improve on and get information about other teams."

They all sighed in relief, Kise pouncing on you.

"Oh!! I thought we'd lose [l/n]chii forever!!!" He cried as he hugged you tightly, suffocating you.

"Eh, w-we'd still g-go to the same school... C-can you let me go n-now?! I can't breathe!!"

He let go instantly, and was soon after kicked by Kasamatsu.

"Baka the only way we'd lose her is if you keep suffocating her like that!!!"

Kise whined "Senpai is so mean to me!!!!"

Kasamatsu ticked at this, "Alright back to practice everyone!!"

You finished practice off with a some quick shooting and dribbling drills, then a short scrimmage. After the scrimmage you took down some notes on what they needed to practice more on and went out to the sinks area (no idea what to call it) and rinsed your head with cold water. Then you went into the locker room and changed. You exited the gym to find Kise and Kasamatsu waiting for you at the gates.

Kasamatsu Yukio X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now