The sleepover!!

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After eating you all cleaned up the mess you made with the slurpee, Kise hired someone to get rid of the slurpee as the three of you had no idea what to do with it. It was getting pretty late when Kise came up with a great idea.

"We should have a sleepover!!"

"That'd be ok. I wouldn't mind. What about you Senpai?"

"Uhhhhh.... Sure why not..."

It was about 4:00 in the afternoon and you guys had no idea what to do. You had already showered and changed into your spare clothes. Kasamatsu was wearing some of Kise's clothes since he didn't bring any spares. The three of you were lounging around in Kise's living room trying to think of what to do now.

"Make a fort? And maybe watch a movie inside it?"

"Oh!! That's a good idea [l/n]chii!!"

"Alright well lets get some blanket, sheets, pillows and mattresses."

"A-alright.. I'll help Kise get t-the sheets and s-stuff."

Kise and Kasamatsu disappeared into the hallway going to get the sheets while you planned out how you would set up the fort. Kise and Kasamatsu came back with armfuls of sheets and blankets, dropping them off and then going back to retrieve more things. They then cane back with 3 mattresses and an armful of pillows.

You set up the 3 mattresses as the bottom. Then you used a bunch of pillows and couch cushions to shape the entrance and the surrounding walls. (I don't know why Kise would have this many freakin pillows in his house but oh well xD)
Then you began to drape the roof with sheets. After that you were finished with the fort. Kise went and grabbed his laptop and projector so you could watch movies in the fort. You grabbed a stray white sheet to use as a screen and drapes it onto on of the walls inside. Kasamatsu went to grab all the snacks you'd bought and also managed to make popcorn.

You crawled into the fort first and sat down, propping your self up against the wall. Kasamatsu and Kise were busy setting up the movie.

"What movie should we watch?"
Kise asked you as he was looking through movies on his computer.

"I don't know a comedy movie maybe?" Kasamatsu put in.

"Oooh how about a scary movie?!"
You exclaimed.

"I have the purge anarchy. Wanna watch that?"

"Uhhh sure.... Does it have Japanese subtitles?" (Don't forget in this fanfic you live in japan xD and all of this is supposed to be spoken in japanese, but for the sake of reading I wrote it in english.)

"Of course!!"

"Alright that'd be cool. What do you think senpai?"

"Y-yea I've heard it's a g-good movie."

Kise set the movie up then crawled to sit next to Kasamatsu. (The seating arrangement from left to right: Kise, Kasamatsu, You)

As the movie started you munched happily on pocky. The movie had you already on edge just watching the beginning. When the guy with the god mask came out of nowhere you dropped your pocky box and grabbed onto Kasamatsu's arm.

"Kasamatsu I'm scared!!"

"U-uh.... You can hold onto m-me if your s-so scared... It was your i-idea to w-watch a scary movie."

As the movie progressed you found yourself pretty much cuddling with Kasamatsu. It started out as you just sharing a blanket with him, but since you were such a scaredy cat every time something scary happened or someone screamed you'd jump into Kasamatsu's arms. So you stayed settled in his arms instead of shifting back to your seat. The movie ended and you sighed in relief.

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