The First Practice

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Classes were boring as usual. When the bell rang signaling the end of the day you practically burst out of class. Gathering all your things from your locker, you then headed to the gym. When you arrived only Kise and Kasamatsu were there.

"[l/n]cchi!! You're here!!"


You beamed at the two of them, you set your things down.
"I'm going to go get changed into my P.E uniform since I didn't bring any practice clothes."

"Alright [l/n]cchi!!"

You turned away and skipped to the girl's locker room. You walked out in your P.E uniform (which was pretty much just a short tight shirt, short shorts, and black socks) you were immediately greeted by Hayakawa and Moriyama.

" Is that you'(r)e P.E unifo(r)m? You (l)ook (r)ea(l)(l)y cute!!"

"I lost my number, can I have yours?"
You looked at all the boys to see that they all had nose bleeds.

You blushed and headed to the court to start practice. The boys couldn't keep their eyes off you since your uniform was really revealing. Kasamatsu was getting annoyed and told the boys to run 10 laps for not paying attention. He turned to you and told you to follow him. You headed to the boy's locker room. He rummaged through his locker before pulling out shorts and a jersey. He handed them to you, his face was a dark red.
"H-here, change into this s-so the boys q-quit looking and f-focus." His nose began to bleed as he continued to look at you. You thanked him and went to go change, he went back out trying to cover his nose. You walked out again feeling much better.
"Kasamatsu's jersey is really comfortable and soft, it smells like peppermint." You thought to yourself as you buried your face in his jersey.
Kasamatsu looked at you and immediately turned a dark red.

The boys finally finished their laps, well all of them except Kise who had commented about both of you going into the locker room together and you coming out with Kasamatsu's jersey. Kasamatsu split the group into two. You, Kasamatsu, Nakamura, and Hayakawa on one team and Kise, Moriyama, and Kobori on the other. Since the teams were uneven Kise's team got the ball first. Kasamatsu and Nakamura covered Kise, while you and Hayakawa covered Moriyama and Kobori. Kasamatsu stole the ball from Kise and passed it to you. Kobori went to block your shot with his height. You used the same move as Kasamatsu did when you first saw him. Dribbling it between your legs and moving fast side to side. Kobori struggled to keep up with your movements. You went and bounced the ball between his legs and went around him, grabbing the ball you went in for a dunk. Hayakawa got overly excited about that. The rest of the game was neck in neck. During the final minutes it was 67-65 with Kise's team in the lead. Hayakawa got the ball from Moriyama and passed it to Kasamatsu, who tried to shoot a 3 pointer but Kobori and Kise were blocking him. He faked passing it to Nakamura, but passed it to you, who was wide open. You quickly shot a 3 pointer just as the buzzer went off.

You jumped up cheering, you ran to Kasamatsu and hugged him lifting him off the ground. He turned a deep red as he stuttered something about wanting you to put him down. You dropped him and went to congratulate Hayakawa and Shinya. "That was fun!"

"Y-yea, you did g-good..."

"Thanks Kasamatsu-senpai!"

"You we(l)e g(l)eat [l/n]chan!"

"[l/n]cchi!! How did you copy Kasamatsu's move?!?"

"Oh that? I don't know I just did and thanks Hayakawa-senpai."

"Could it be that you have the same ability I do?!"

"I don't think so, maybe we can test it out next practice?"

Practice was over so you helped clean the gym and went to change out of your uniform.
"How did I copy his move perfectly? That's weird. I don't remember ever being able to do that. Maybe Kise is right, maybe I do have the same talent as him." you thought as you changed.

You walked out, going to find someplace to eat. You heard people running behind you.
"[l/n]cchi!! Wait up!!"

"Kise!! Idiot, I'll hit you! Slow down!"

You turned to see Kise and Kasamatsu running your way.

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I can't believe I have 33 reads on here!!
:D you guys are awesome!!

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