Tea gets spilled (Chapter 9)

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We start heading towards the football field. We both sit down on the bleachers.

"Ant will drive us. He said he will think about the sleepover." Velvet said.

"Hey babe!" Someone yelled from the field. It was Ant. He came up to the bleachers and sat down beside Velvet.

"Ok so they are both coming to the coffee shop with us. Have you thought about the sleepover?" Velvet asked Ant. "Is it just gonna be us 4?" Ant asked. Velvet nodded. "Then sure." Ant said. "Yay! Thank you baby!" Velvet said. They hugged each other. Someone hugged me from behind. I looked behind me to see who it was. To my surprise it was Zak. He had his face buried into my neck.

I placed one of my hands on his knee.

Velvet looked over at me. He saw Zak hugging me and my hand on his knee.

Velvet walked over to me. "What's going on here?" Velvet asked me. "Nothing." I replied. "Then why is Zak hugging you?" Velvet said then he looked down at my hand. "Ooo. I see now." Velvet added.

"It's not like that! I promise!" I said. I wanted to move my hand but yet again I didn't.

I like Zak and he is so close to me I don't wanna leave. I don't want this moment to end.

"Darryl?" Someone asked me. I looked up and Zak was staring at me. My hand was still on his knee. "Yeah? Sorry I zoned out." I said. "You've been zoning out a lot recently. Are you alright?" Zak asked me. I nodded. "Yea I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I said. I smiled. "Are you sure?" Zak asked me.

I can't tell him how I feel. If I did, he might not wanna ever talk to me again. It would kill me if I lost my best friend.

"Yeah! I'm good!" I said. I looked down. "Oh sorry!" I said. I took my hand off of Zak's knee.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Ant asked us. I nodded. "Yeah." Zak said. "Yep! Let's go." Velvet said. We all stood up.

We walked to Ant's car and got in. Me and Zak sat in the back. I sat on the far right and Zak sat in the middle.

Ant started to drive to the coffee shop. "So are you guys dating yet?" Ant asked. Me and Zak stayed silent. "Zak? Darryl?" Velvet asked. "Hm?" I asked. "Are you guys dating?" Ant asked once more. "No." I said. "We aren't-" I tried to say but then felt something on my chest. I looked down. Zak's head was laying on my chest. I tried to breathe slowly. My face started burning.

"You alright Darryl?" Velvet asked me. "Y-yep!" I replied. "Why did you start saying something but then stopped..." Velvet said. I looked up to see Velvet staring at me and Zak. "Ooh I see why now." Velvet teased. I wanted to yell at him but I didn't. I didn't want to wake Zak up. I placed my hands onto Zak's back. "Your face is red." Velvet said. "I know." I replied.

I closed my eyes just for a few seconds, and the next thing I know I get woken up. I opened my eyes. Zak was looking down at me. "Huh?" I said. "We are at the coffee shop." Velvet said. "Oh ok." I said. I sat up.

We all got out of the car. Velvet and Ant were holding hands. Zak grabbed my hand. He held my hand.

Does he like me?

Both of our faces go red. I held his hand back. We went into the store. Velvet and Ant order then Zak and I order. They got 2 muffins and some coffee. Zak and I got 2 muffins as well.

I started eating my muffin. Zak didn't eat his yet. "We should go get your guys things for the sleepover." Ant said. "Ok." Zak said.

We all walked to the car and got back in. This time I was in the middle and Zak was in the far left.

Ant drove to Zak's house first since it was closer. He got out and went inside his house.

"Hey Darryl?" Ant asked me. "Yeah?" I replied. "Do you like Zak? Like I'm being dead serious. I won't tell him if you do." Ant said. "Yeah dude I won't either." Velvet said. "Well...I mean I don't know." I said. "Tell us how you feel around him." Velvet said. "Yeah! Tell us what he does that makes your heart skip a beat." Ant said. "Well, every time I'm around him I feel safe and happy. Like all my problems go away. I blush so hard every time his body is close or even touching mine. I get butterflies when he is around. I just wanna hold him and keep him safe. He's so special to me." I said. My face was so red at this point.

Just then Zak came back with his bag. 

(Sorry this chapter is so short! I have been busy with school but I have gotten a break so next chapter will hopefully be longer than this one! I'm also starting to make a new fanfic as well so that's also taking up some of my time.)

881 words <3

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