Getting Closer (Chapter 10)

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(Zak's Pov)

I got into the car and placed my bag onto the ground next to my feet.

I looked over at Darryl. His face was red, really red. "Hey dude? You ok?" I asked him. He nodded. I slipped my seatbelt on, and Ant drove to Darryl's house.

Once we got there he got out and walked into his house.

"Hey Zak?" Velvet asked me. "Hm?" I replied. "Tell us the truth. Do you have feelings for Darryl?" Velvet asked. "We won't tell him." Ant added. "I- uh." I nodded then hid my face. "He would never like me back though." I added. I sat there hiding my face until Darryl came back.

He gets in the car and places his bag in the seat beside him.

"Alright! Let's head to my house." Ant said. He started to drive to his house.

We got there and all of us got out. We walk inside. It was a really nice house. "Ok, pick your spot in the living room where you will be sleeping!" Ant said. "I'm going to grab some blankets for me and Velvet i'll be back." He added. Darryl sat down in a corner. I sat down beside him.

"Mind If I sleep beside you?" I asked. "Sure, but why?" He replied. "I'm scared of the dark." I whispered in his ear. He giggled. "Fine yes you can sleep here." Darryl said.

(Velvet's Pov)

"I'll be back, I'm going to check on Ant." I said to the 2 love birds.

I walked into Ant's room. "Hey babe." I said to Ant. "Yeah?" He replied. "So, Zak and Darryl, both like each other, right? So! We have to get them together. But how?" I said. "We could play truth or dare." He suggested. "That's not a bad idea." I said.

He got done grabbing some blankets. I helped him carry them out to the living room.

Zak was resting his head onto Darryl's shoulder.

(Darryl's Pov)

"Ok guys! So do you wanna play a game?" Ant asked. Me and Zak both nodded. "How about truth or dare?" Velvet said. We all agreed.

Zak took his head off my shoulder. We got up and walked into the center of the living room. We all sat in a circle.

"Ok I want to go first." Ant said. "Truth or Dare...Zak!" He added. "Dare." Zak said. Velvet and Ant glanced at each other with a smirk. "I dare you to hold Darryl's hand for the rest of this game." Ant dared him. My face went bright red. "You don't have to if you don-" I said but then Zak grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers together. I hid my face with my blanket.

"Ok Darryl your turn." This went on for a while until it started getting late. It was also getting colder.

"Ok I think we should end it here. It's getting late and cold. I'll go check the heater." Ant said. "I'm going to follow him." Velvet said. They got up and left.

(Ant's Pov)

Me and Velvet "walked" to the heater. We just went downstairs. "What if we don't put the heater on? Maybe they will cuddle to get warm?" Velvet said. "Or share the same blanket." I added. We both laughed.

"They are so cute together. They both like each other!" I exclaimed. Velvet smirked at me. Then we headed up the stairs back to the living room.

Once we get up there we see them sitting close to each other. "Looks like my heater broke. I have to get it fixed tomorrow." I lied. "Shit. I don't have a blanket!" Zak yelled. "That's ok me and you can share a blanket." Darryl said.

(Zak's Pov)

My face flares up when Darryl said that. "Are you sure?" I asked him. He nodded. "Ok well thank you." I said. "Ok me and Velvet are going to try to sleep." Ant said. I nodded at them. "Alright! Goodnight! Sleep well!" Darryl said.

And with that Ant and Velvet lied down to go to sleep.

I played on my phone for a while and Darryl was on his laptop. Then we heard snoring. "Guess they went to sleep." Darryl said.

(Darryl's Pov)

I looked over at Zak. He was shivering. I tossed the blanket that I had on me over him as well. He looked up from his phone and looked at me. I smiled at him. He smiled back.

Zak stood up. "I'm going to go change." Zak said. Zak grabbed his bag and walked to what I believe was the bathroom.

I haven't been to Ant's house but Zak has. They had to do a school project together and they did the project at Ant's house.

I sat there waiting for Zak. After like 10 minutes or so Zak hasn't gotten back. I started to get worried. I tried to keep my mind off so I grabbed my phone and played on it. Another 10 minutes past and Zak still wasn't there.

I stood up and walked around the house trying to find the bathroom. Then I heard a loud noise like something had fallen. I ran to where I heard the noise. I saw a door with a light on. I ran to it and I swung the door open. I looked around and saw something laying on the floor. It was Zak! 

(So sorry that this chapter isn't long. I'm sorry school has gotten harder, and I had 4 (4!) tests to study for, one for world history (which I suck at), so I had to study. Again, sorry for this short chapter. I really do hope I can make the chapters longer! I hope you enjoy this story! It takes me awhile to make. So, if you do enjoy, please vote up on the chapters! And while you are waiting for me to post new chapters of this story check out my other fanfics! Thank you for reading! I love you! <3)

1000 words <3

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