Chapter 18 - The Guardians

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Chapter 18

We managed to find a dress with about three hours to spare. I even encouraged Jaz to get one; I paid of course... after all, it is all part of my master plan. Muhuhhahaha... I am grinning like an idiot as we walk back to her car; thank god she passed it off as excitement.

"Oh Jessica!" I hear a shrill voice behind me sing. Crap. I pick up my pace as Jaz follows behind me.

"Jessie, what's the matter? Who is that?"

"Just get back to the car."

"Frost, I know you can hear me."

I take a deep breath as I can feel my rage bubbling to the surface, "Call Wilbur."

"What? Why?"

"Just do it."

I turn around and see Abby's evil smirk. "Jessica, well, isn't this a pleasant surprise?"

I sigh, "What do you want, Abby?"

"I want you to stay away from my boyfriend."

"I hate to break it to you Abby, but he's not your boyfriend anymore. Chase even told you himself. Look, you have to realize you can't get everything you want. Things just happen and sometimes the things we want aren't meant to be."

She stares down at her nails and touches each one with her thumb, "I really don't care what you say." Her eyes snap up to me, "I just want my revenge."

Stay in control, Jess. Stay in control, "Abby you really have to work on your listening, it might actually help you in these situations."

"You know, I'm really getting annoyed by your voice. I may just have to punch you."

"Trust me, Abby, that will not work out well for either of us."

"What? Is your mommy going to take away your car? Oh, that's right you don't have one."

My hands ball up into fists as my vision flashes red.

"Did I hit a nerve there? Aww, too bad."

I close my eyes and try to focus on my breathing to get my heart rate down. "Get away from me Abby."

"Hell no! I am not letting this go!"

"Abby!" I sneer as my legs shake. I lean against the concrete base of a light. That shouldn't move.

"That moron shot him because of you! You are the one putting him in danger!"

"Abby that is enough!" I hear Chase say behind me. "I am sick of you trying to control me! I want nothing to do with you. Maybe if you listen and learn from your actions, you'll find a guy who will risk his life for you. Go home."

"But Chase-"

"Go home!"

I hear her walk away, and I try to calm down.

"Jessie... you're-"

"I know... it's because I'm not using it."

"Why don't you give me your bags and run home? Do you think you can do that?"

I nod and let go of my bags as he takes them in his hand.

"Look at me." I look into his eyes, "It's going to be alright. You can fight this."

I smile, "Thanks, Chase."

I am passing through the alley, now at my normal speed. I may be able to run fast, but the speed I was running at was freaking me out a bit. Maybe I should train for the Olympics... sigh... Wilbur would never allow it. I'm driven out of my thoughts as Watt slides down the alley wall.

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