Chapter 10 - Warm-Hearted

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Previously on X...

"There was some weird guy here earlier today, came in about an hour ago and was looking for some white tulips."

"White?" I ask, "What's so special about those?"

"It's almost like asking for forgiveness or for a new start. But that's not what was weird." Jaz grabs my arm, "Jessie, his skin was blue."

I walk up to the memorial, "Mom, you remember Chase. He's all grown up now." I sigh as I watch Chase pick up something off the ground: a white tulip.

"So are you." A voice says behind me. It sends chills up my spine. It's him.


Chapter 10

I turn around slowly to see my father in the suit and hat that Jaz described... and his skin too. "Why are you here?" I say through my teeth.

"To make amends," He responds.

"Make amends," I scoff, "You killed her! She's dead! Gone! All at your hands."

"Jess, that's what I need to talk to you about-"

"Sir," Chase says stepping in between my father and I, "You have no idea how this has scarred her."

"And who are you to tell me what my own daughter can?"

"Chase Mason, her boyfriend."

A small smile appears on his face, "After all these years, I should have known you two would still be together."

I regain my composure, "Why are you here?"

"As I said, to make things right. I thought I should start with you and Molly..." He takes a deep breath, "Then, I am going to turn all the files I have over to Don... I don't expect to be coming out of there for a long time."

"What kinds of files?" Chase asks.

My father looks around the area then turns back to us, "It's not safe to talk about here. Is there somewhere we can go that is hidden from..." He pauses and mouths Martino.

Chase and I exchange looks. I know what he's thinking. "Chase, we can't-"

"If he has the kind of information he says think of all the good we can do with it."

"How do we even know he's telling the truth."

"I swear on my wife's grave that I am telling the truth," My father says, "I already lost one member of my family because of this. I'm not about to lose another."

"We've got to blindfold you," Chase says.

"Use my tie." Chase wraps the tie around my father's eyes once he is in a black SUV, which must be the car he took here. I drive to the mansion while Chase follows behind us on the motorcycle. The car is packed to the roof with boxes.

"Dare I ask what's in the boxes?"

"Not here. Who knows what is in this car."

"Is it bugged?"

"I took out the GPS and anything else they could use to track the signal. From what I read, that should have been it, but we can never be too careful."

I nod and pull into the long driveway. I see Chase stop behind me. I stop the car and put it in park. Suddenly the ground around us starts to lower, like a giant elevator. I sigh, I should have known they'd have something like this. Chase must have let Wilbur and his father know we were coming. The elevator stops, and I turn on the low beams. Mr. Mason is in front of the car, directing me to pull forward. I slowly follow him until he gestures me to stop. I turn off the engine and open the door.

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