Chapter 3 - Darkness in the Alley

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Chapter 3

"He helped me back up, and said he had to go." I explain to Jaz as she trims some of the flowers around her shop.

"That's it?"

"Um... yeah?"

She instantly stops trimming and puts a hand on her hip, "And you didn't try to reason with him?"


"Jessie! Come on!"

"What?! I thought he wanted to be alone. It really pissed him off!"

She comes over and sits on the counter with me, "Of course it would hun, but you are his friend. Sure, you showed him your loyalty when you told him about Abby..."


"But, at the same time, he could think you did that to get back at her for being a bitch to you."

"But I didn't!"

She put her arm around my shoulder, "I know you didn't, honey, but in situations of the heart, people can lose their judgement. It's up to you to show him who's side you're on, yours or his."

I slowly lower myself from the counter and take out my cellphone to call Chase. The line rings once, then goes straight to voice mail. I sigh as I wait for the beep.

"Hey, Chase, it's me... Jessie... I just wanted to call and see how you were... and that I'm sorry I had to tell you about Abby. I thought telling you then would be better than you finding out later. Anyways, I'll see you around. Bye."

I end the call and put my phone back in my pocket. Jaz has a weird smile on her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

She instantly goes back to the flowers, "Nothing! Nothing..."

"Sure... I will get the information from you at some point so help me God..."

"Hey, don't you have to go see your mom? It's getting dark, and need I remind you you're on crutches?"

"Oh crap you're right!" I sling my backpack over my shoulder and grab my crutches. I turn back towards the counter and see Jaz push the bouquet towards my side of the counter. I shoot her a look, "This isn't over. I will find out what you're hiding."

Jaz looks over at her invisible watch, "Oh hey, would you look at the time-"

"Okay! Okay, I'm going!"


By the time I get within a block of the alley, the sun has almost set, giving the area a bluish hue. It took me almost double the time to get here than it normally does because of the crutches, and I probably would have gotten here faster if I wasn't checking behind myself every two minutes. I keep feeling that someone is watching me. I look around once more before I head towards the shadows of the alley. I can only hope that it's the Guardian.

The alley is much darker than the rest of the buildings around it. While the area around it has some light, the alley itself looks as if it is well past midnight. I take a deep breath and cross into the alley. The sound of my crutches echo as I hop along the pavement. Suddenly, I hear footsteps behind me. I try not to panic, and pick up my pace a bit. The footsteps speed up considerably. My gut keeps nagging me to get away, but with my ankle, I'd have no chance if this person is unharmed.

As I get close I near my mother's memorial, I quickly put down the flowers and swing my left crutch around. I hear the man curse as I hear something small fall to the ground. As it falls, I see it reflect light; it's a knife. He goes to pick up the knife and I swing my other crutch at him. He lets it hit him, and grabs it. I quickly let it go before he pulls it away. I shift my weight to my right foot and take my last crutch in my hands like a bat.

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