Chapter 6 - Change of Subject

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Chapter 6

I finally slept through the night, without waking up, for the first night in weeks. No nightmares, that's a first. I yawn and stretch my arms above my head. I put them back at my side and they hit something. I look down to see it's Chase's arm. My face heats up, and I try to move him without waking him up.

Suddenly, I hear my uncle's footsteps coming down the stairs. I quickly try to push him off, but he rolls back to where he was. I start to panic, and I kick him in the stomach. He grunts and starts to sit up.

"Wha?" He yawns. He puts a hand to his stomach and looks over at me. "Why did you do that?" He yawns again.

"I couldn't get you to move," I shrug... so I'm not telling him EVERYTHING, but it's still true...

Wilbur comes in the room and pulls open the curtains. Chase and I squint as our eyes adjust to the sunlight.

"Good morning," My uncle laughs.

"Good morning," Chase and I say at the same time.

He looks over to see the TV on, "Looks like you both fell asleep watching the television, huh?"

"Yep!" We say together. I look at Chase, and he shrugs.

"Well, enjoy your day off, just remember the doctor is coming today, Jessie."

"Yeah I remembered, thanks Uncle Wilbur." I still think that's a little weird... whatever, I'll deal with it.

"Chase, your father is on the phone for you in the other room."

Chase gives Wilbur a confused look, "Just tell him I'll call him back."

Wilbur gives him a look, it reminds me a lot of the look he gives me when I need to do my chores, "He said it's an emergency."

"Oh, okay. I better go see what's wrong. I'll be right back."

I hope everything is okay... I can't help but wonder where they went. If the phone rang, then how come I didn't hear it? Maybe it was Wilbur's cell phone... I shrug. Oh well, I've got to get ready anyway.


John lifts himself out of the vat and onto the metal walkway. He coughs and wipes some of the mysterious liquid off his face. He runs his hand through his hair- wait a minute. Where did it go? He crosses the debris Fred threw down as he ran away and goes into the bathroom. He looks in the mirror and screams. His skin is a light blue color. His hair, his eyebrows, any hair on his body is gone.

He tries to wash off the blue with water, but as soon as his hands make contact with the water, it turns to ice. John yells out in fury and shatters the mirror with his fist. He runs his hand over his bald head again, still not used to the feeling. John sighs and goes over to his desk. He sees Jessie's picture there and immediately starts to gather all the files he can before his journey back to Lake Falls.


I finish drying my hair and am making my way down the stairs when I see Chase by the front door.

"Chase, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I just have to go. Sorry."

"No problem, I understand."

"Kay, see ya Jessie!"

He shuts the door, and I continue down the stairs. At least my ankle's not bugging me, cause that would suck! Suddenly the doorbell rings. I skip the last few steps and open the door to see a man in a white doctor's coat and a small black bag.

X: The BeginningМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя