Chapter 8 - Snake's Eyes

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A/N: I've got lots of ideas. So excited!! As the new title states, this is only the beginning... Let me know what you think!



Chapter 8

Chase walks up to the case with his suit in it and presses his hand to the glass. Wilbur gestures for me to do the same. I go and put my hand on my glass case. I can see some sort of light on the other side. It looks a lot like what scanned us in the elevator. There is a beeping sound, and the floor comes out from under me. I slide down a metal tube and can feel something being put on my body. Next thing I know, my body slides out of the tube and onto a hard concrete surface. Ouch.

"Sorry about that," A voice rings through my head, "Changing takes too long, I found that out when I still made my rounds."

I rise to my feet and put a hand to my ear, there is a device inside, "Mr. Mason?"

"You got that right kiddo, just don't call me that when you're in the suit."

Chase's laughter echoes through my head, "Don't want anyone thinking we're crazy do we? Hell, we've already got the suits."

"Alright, so what do I call you then?"



Guardian laughs, "Not like the card, although it sounds like that."

"It's an abbreviation for All-Seeing Eye. Plus, I think it sounds better than calling myself an ass, don't you?"

I laugh, "Yes, that's definitely the better alternative." I look around and can barely see where I am. "Ase, where exactly am I?"

"The Garage."

"Excuse me?" I suddenly hear the roar of a motor in the distance. "No. Way. Do I get my own car?"

Guardian laughs, and I can see headlights coming towards me. The car swerves and stops with the passenger door right in front of me. "You got to earn that one."

As soon as I am in the car, he steps on the gas.

"Holy crap. Don't you have a speed limit or something?"

"We're not ordinary civilians, X. We've got a city to protect."

"Yeah, but could we at least slow down before I hurl?"

"Not on the interior!" Ase yells, "Slow down or I will do it for you."

Guardian grumbles and slowly eases off the gas. "Which direction is he moving?"

"Hang on a sec." Ase is quiet for awhile, "He's heading towards the south entrance."

"Be there in two." Guardian speeds up again, and I hold on to the door. He weaves in and out of traffic. "Ase red light."

"Going green... now."

The light turns green, and we continue on our way. In what seemed like seconds, we were a block from the docks.

"X, you take the ground. Guardian cover the top."

"Got it." We both say.

I head towards the gate, and Guardian climbs up one of the buildings. I cautiously approach the gate. It looks to have an electronic key pad.

"Ase, the gate is locked with some sort of electronic code. I'll find another way." I pick up a rock on the ground. I throw it at the fence. It bounces off. Phew. Not electric. I look around the top, no barbed wire. I quickly climb over and land safely on the other side.

X: The BeginningTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon