The New Officers

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"Lt. Sevek, welcome aboard the Enterprise lad." A stout man stands behind the ensign manning the transporter. 

"Aye, good job lad!" He enthusiastically smacks the ensign's back making the young man lurch forward. 

Off to the side, I can see my commanding officer observing them with an eyebrow raised. 

"Mr. Scott, you may wish to reduce the power of your well-intentioned 'pats on the back." He laughs rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Aye, Mr. Spock I dunna know my own strength. Sorry, there lad." Having apologized he and the ensign return to discussing transporter physics. 

"Lt. Sevek, it is good to see you again." Commander Spock picks up one of my bags placing the strap onto his shoulder.

"Odd you didn't wish to send these in the luggage transport?" His eyebrow raises in time with his question. 

"Inside these are documents that have been entrusted to me by the Council. I felt it logical to personally see to their handling." His head nods agreeing with my statement. 

"Let me show you to your quarters, Lieutenant." He turns and I follow him out of the room. 

Walking towards the turbo-lift I examine my new home. The Enterprise is one of the gems of Starfleet. The corridor is bright white and the walls are adorned with control panels. Officers move about with ease smiling as they walk past us. A few nod and offer a good morning to their commander. In return, he nods returning a 'Good morning'. His face remains stoic and I can see that despite his lineage and years living with Terrans he remains Vulcan. 

I've often wondered if his demeanor would differ from other Vulcan's. He is one of the few half-breeds accepted by the Council. One would have thought that with the destruction of Vulcan and trying to rebuild, anyone with Vulcan blood would be accepted into the houses. For the last ten years, they have been focused on increasing our numbers. 

The ancient documents with me are detailed accounts of bondmates. The Council hopes that being able to better identify those with natural bonds will help increase conception. Allowing for the repopulation of New Vulcan. 

"Computer, officer quarters." Commander Spock's voice wakes me out of my thoughts. 

"I am impressed by your ability to meditate while walking. Word of caution do not attempt this in engineering. You will end up in the infirmary." Glancing over I can just catch the slight movement at the corner of his mouth. Perhaps he is a little different. 

"I will keep this in mind. Thank you." He nods as the turbo-lift comes to a stop. 

"Here we are, please follow me." Exiting the corridor is identical to the last one except it's lined with even more doors. Here people in uniform and in day clothes move about. Five doors down from the turbo-lift we stop at a door on the right. 

"Computer, record new voice entry." Hearing the computer announce that it's ready he steps back letting me step forward. 

"Lieutenant Sevek." The computer plays back my voice which sounds similar to the Commander's. The computer's female voice requests for me to place my hand onto the panel. With my palm pressed to it the panel lights up flashing. 

"Biosignature recorded. Welcome, Lieutenant Sevek." After the computer's announcement, the doors slide open. Walking in I can see that the room has been prepared to my preferences. 

"I took the liberty of setting up your room. Please feel free to make adjustments." Removing the strap from his shoulder he sets my bag down onto an empty desk in the corner. 

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