The Council's Offer

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Standing in front of Kirk's ready room I press the panel letting the computer notify him of my arrival. If he had not requested my presence as an officer I would have just walked in. Being that he is one of the few people that I feel comfortable speaking with he's given me a free pass.

"Enter." Kirk's voice comes through loud a clear as the doors slide open.

Walking in I can see Spock and Sevek standing in front of Kirk's desk they both hand their hands behind their backs. Kirk is standing as well, with his arms at his side looking uncomfortable. Spock's normally calm dark brown eyes almost have a sheen of anxiety to them. I don't dare to look too closely at Sevek's as I fear nothing good with come.

"Lieutenant Stephens, I apologize for calling you abruptly. The Vulcan Council has requested that the Enterprise escort the New Vulcan ambassadors to Starfleet Headquarters. They've requested for you and Sevek to attend to them while they are aboard." Kirk's smile never falters but it also seems forced.

"Excuse me for saying this Captain. This is most illogical as I am not recognized by the Vulcan Council. Commander Spock would be more suited." Spock moves towards me placing a hand onto my arm.

"That is the other reason that I've called you here. The Council would like to speak to you." Kirk is no longer smiling his face looking rather serious.

"They wish to speak to me? " Spock lets go of my arm as I turn to look at him.

"This is your decision T'Layah. Do not feel that you must accept. Do what you feel is right." Kirk gives me a half-smile nodding that he agrees with Spock.

"I have them on hold. Gentleman, let's give the lady some privacy." Spock and Sevek exit as Kirk helps me over to his desk having me sit down in his seat.

"Just tap here when you're ready." He pats my shoulder then exits leaving me to stare at the vidscreen with a floating Starfleet emblem in the center.

Watching the blue emblem fade to different colors I force myself to think logically. Pressing this button a Vulcan council member will appear. It will be a new face as all the elder council has retired. Not a single one of those that banished us will appear. It will not hurt me to see what they have to say, and it is my decision.

Tapping the button the screen changes and a person I thought I would never see again appears. How could I have forgotten, my younger half-sister T'Vara? The same one that turned her back on her own mother denouncing her. Mother only nodded accepting her ten-year-old daughter's dismissal. T'Vara never responded back when I told her our mother had died. Not one word.

"T'Layah, my sister it is good to see you are well. The Council thought it best if this matter was addressed by family." Her face remains unchanged neither showing happiness nor disgust.

The human side of me wants to tell her exactly what I think of her then end our communication. The Vulcan side is telling me to see what it is she has to say then make a decision. Another part of me whispers that mother would want us to talk.

"T'Vara, I hope you are well. Please tell me what you wish to discuss." Like her, I keep my face clear of emotion.

"The Council hearing of your merits has offered to reverse your banishment and reinstate your standing in house Sarek." Her dark brown eyes stare through the screen as I am unable to respond.

"The Council's offer is open to you. Sarek says you may accept at any time." Hearing her mention Sarek I now know who has had a hand in all this.

"I will accept their offer. I look forward to seeing New Vulcan." She gives a curt nod to my reply.

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