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Kirk sneaks off as people surround me to offer congratulations. He at least gives me a smile and a wave before he disappears into the crowd. It's Juxana that comes to my rescue just as I fear that I'll lose my voice. She pulls me away under the pretense of discussing a new Betazid diplomatic policy. 

"I can't believe he did that to you. I'll make sure he's sore after our next class." My best friend huffs crossing her arms over her chest as she leans back in her chair. 

Sitting down next to her I rehydrate my throat with a glass of ice water. Finishing my glass I now no longer feel like my throat is on fire. Fidgeting with the ice in the glass I watch a table full of officers that must be fresh out of the academy. Their eyes are glued to our Captain, Commander, and Dr. McCoy seated at another table. 

"Don't be too hard on him, Juxana. He was testing me. Making sure I could hold my own. I should have gracefully excused myself, but I allowed my fear of anyone misunderstanding to win." She repins one of my braids then rubs my back. 

"People will believe what they want to. What's important is that you know the truth. Well and maybe a tall, dark, and handsome Vulcan that was staring daggers at our Captain." She motions with her head at Sevek who is seated at a corner table staring at his hands in front of him. 

"Juxana, I know what you are trying to do. But Sevek is betrothed to T'Vara, my sister. He is no longer mine." Saying the last sentence it feels like every word burns my throat. My head pounds as if my brain is trying to break free. It's a pain I felt years ago that I'd hoped would never return. Struggling to stand up I feel and hand grab my arm. 

"The pain is back?" Spock's dark brown eyes are full of worry. 

"It is. This is illogical. If they are betrothed our bond should no longer exist." My words come our hissed as I am wracked with pain. 

"I will help you to return to your quarters. You need to meditate." I can see in his eyes that no protest of mine is going to sway him. 

"She already knows and insists that I help you." I follow his eyes as he glances at his wife. Her face too looks to be full of concern. 

"Don't worry only I felt your pain. I have blocked our link from here. She knows this as we hide nothing from each other."  He adjusts his arm around my waist helping me to walk out of the ballroom to the turbo-lift. Entering the lift the pain becomes excruciating. I can barely feel the pinch to the side of my neck as my body goes limp and my eyes shut. 

Blinking my eyes to focus I can see the ceiling of my quarters. Starting to sit up I stop as an arm blocks me. Then it helps to push me back down onto the bed. 

"Rest." Spock's voice is gentle but firm. 

Closing my eyes I am prepared to do as he says and get some more sleep. Just as I relax a sharp pain shoots through my head forcing my eyes open. I forgot how it felt to have my skull pulled apart from the inside. Silently screaming I curl up into a ball clamping my hands to my head. Then it all goes black. 

"Good God man, her bios are off the chart." Dr. McCoy's voice sounds garbled as I try to look at him. 

"I am aware doctor. Can you help control her pain and get her to sleep?" Spock's voice comes from somewhere behind him. Dr. McCoy grumbles digging into his bag pulling out two injectors.

"This is enough to bring down a Klingon. Are you sure about this?" I never hear an answer as a cold injector is pressed against my neck. 

Again I awaken staring up at my ceiling squinting my eyes at the bright light. Groaning I place an arm over my eyes only to feel someone move it back. Then I can hear a bio scanner as it is waved over me. 

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