Cute Little Vulcan Babies

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Six years later

"Soron! T'lana!" Watching the two of them walking over to us holding hands both Uhura and I try not to smile. Even though Soron is two years younger than T'lana they are inseparable. Both Sevek and Spock keep a wary eye on the two. Sevek has already told me his fear that Soron our son is T'lana's natural bondmate. Which is possible as Spock and I share no blood relation even though we are the same house. 

That was another revelation that came out when Sevek and I raised our concerns to the Council. It turns out that my mother was adopted into the house of Surak and is an illegitimate daughter of house Duveh. Turns out that was the real reason behind my mother's unjust punishment.

 My blood not only shed light on my father but also my mother. House Duveh was already in a precarious situation with Vulcan destroyed. The scandal of an illegitimate child would have toppled whatever pull they had on the Council. 

Soren was not shocked to learn that he and I are related. He seemed relieved as it gave a logical reason to the pull, he felt towards me. Sevek too was relieved, and I couldn't help to notice that he and Soren got along better. 

When our son was born, we both already knew that he would share his name with Soren. It was because of Soren that Sevek broke free, and I lived. We both owe him a great debt. He also dealt with everything regarding T'Vara. She is now a happy wife to a lesser official and no longer causing trouble. How he managed that I've never asked, nor do I want to know. 

Our two little ones sit down onto the blanket with perfect posture waiting patiently as we put their plates together. Setting Soron's plate down he waits to eat until T'lana's mom sets hers down. Uhura smiles then no longer able to resist the urge ruffles his black hair. His little grey eyes blink at her but then he goes back to eating. T'lana gives her mother a look like how dare you touch what's mine. 

Turning away we both chuckle getting it out of our system. Done I turn to look at them only to find Sevek wrapping his arms around me. Next to us I can see Spock doing the same to Uhura. 

"Do you think Juxana and Gordon will be able to make it?" Uhura asks me as we sit eating watching the kids play. 

"Isn't it normal for them to be 'stylishly late'?" Sevek lifts his brow and I pat his leg. 

"Yes, that is true. I just hope as her due date gets closer; she slows down." Uhura laughs we both know that Juxana is nothing but a bundle of energy. 

"Ah, here they are." Spock points them out to us as they walk down the path. 

Juxana's round baby belly makes her walk with her legs bowed, yet Gordon is still speed walking to keep up. As always both of them have infectious smiles on their faces. They've almost caused Sevek, Spock, and Soren to smile with them before.

"Who's that behind them?" Uhura draws my attention away from Juxana and I look behind them. 

Looking into a pair of familiar grey eyes with little wrinkles at the corners I jump up out of my seat. Sevek stands up next to me placing his arm around my waist. When he suggested a picnic for my birthday since we would be orbiting Earth. I should have known he had something up his sleeve. 

"Baby girl, how have you been?" Dad holds his arms out and I rush over giving him a hug. 

"Hope you don't mind I brought this one with me." He motions with his head to Soren who is standing behind him. 

"Soren." Letting go of Dad I give him a hug and I notice a woman behind him. 

"Layah, this is Sariah my bride to be." He steps back placing his arm around her waist. She's a very petite Terran female with honey blonde hair and dark brown eyes. They look like complete opposites as he is tall, black hair, and light brown eyes.  

"She was working at the embassy on New Vulcan. She helped me to get our change passed." Her face blushes red at his praise. 

"In fact, it should be taking effect today. The natural bondmate movement, no more pairings at young age, all bondmates will be done naturally." He kisses the top of Sariah's head making her blush even more. 

Grabbing her away from him I give her a hug. "Thank you and watch him with the Romulan Ale." 

Laughing she pats my back. " I'm happy I could help. Oh, and too late. I learned that the hard way." She lets go of me placing a hand to her belly. Soren's light brown eyes light up and an edge of his lip twitches. 

"Yes! More cute little Vulcan babies!" Juxana and Gordon shout in unison as Sevek and Spock make their way over congratulating them. 

When everyone has eaten, I lay down onto the blanket watching everyone play. Juxana and Gordon are sitting watching the kids play with Dad, Soren, and Sariah. Spock and Uhura have gone for a walk taking advantage of their free time. Sevek and I would have done the same, but I felt tired after all the excitement. 

"You know the last time you got tired." Sevek raises one of his perfect brows at me. 

"Looks like we'll need to talk to Kirk about new quarters." Turning my head, I smile at him. 

"CUTE LITTLE VULCAN BABIES!" Juxana and Gordon again yell in unison as Sevek pulls me into a deep kiss. 

The End.

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