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Sitting down reviewing the Vulcan Ambassadors profiles I hear the computer alert me to a visitor. Placing my PADD down onto the table I stand up ready to greet them. 

"Enter." The doors slide open and the Commander walks in. 

"Commander." He stops a few feet from me with his hands clasped behind his back. 

"Lieutenant Sevek, I apologize for the short notice. I am in need of your help again." Holding out my arm I motion for him to sit. Walking around to the other side of the coffee table he sits down in a chair. 

"How can I be of help, Commander?" His face is pensive as he gazes behind me at my desk. 

"Would I be able to ask you about your betrothal?" I was not expecting him to take an interest in my personal affairs. Lifting a brow, I fix him with a curious stare. 

"That is an odd question. As you know I am betrothed to T'Vara." He steeples his fingers together his dark brown eyes studying me. 

"Yes. I am aware. Have you and T'Vara formed a bond?" Now I am dying of curiosity to know why he is asking me these questions. 

"We have not. That is why the Council has given me the approval to research the science behind bonds." I motion with my arm to my desk covered in scrolls and books. 

"I see. Pardon me if my questions make you uncomfortable. Do you think your failure is possibly due to your previous bond with T'Layah?" At the mention of her name, my throat feels dry.

"I do not know. It is possible that the damage has made it so a new one cannot form." He relaxes his fingers as he leans back rubbing between his eyes. 

"Is it possible the first bond could still exist?" His gaze is even more intense as my own brain explodes with questions. Could it be our bond is why he is asking all this? She may still be mine and I hers. 

"It is."  Sighing he leans back closing his eyes. 

"This is troubling." His eyes shoot open, the gaze he fixes me with would make other men's blood run cold. 

"What is troubling, Commander? Has something happened?" His gaze changes as he has an internal argument with himself. He's not sure how much he can tell me. 

"Lieutenant Stephens had some concerns. I wanted to clarify them, thank you." He gets up out of the chair and I too stand and walk with him to the door. 

"I enjoyed our visit, Sevek." We both nod as the doors slide open. 

"Please come again, Commander." He walks out into the corridor with his hands clasped behind him. The look on his face is one of deep thought and I watch him make his way to the turbo-lift then disappear. 

His questions have only helped to put my mind into a frenzy. Did something happen to T'Layah? Is my presence causing her discomfort? Or is she worried about me and T'Vara? 

Taking a deep breath, I center my mind and push all of the turmoil away. These questions will be answered in time. It is illogical to worry about that which I have no control over.

Returning to my PADD I continue to read about Ambassador Silek and his wife T'lera. Silek is a skilled diplomat, and he has helped reform New Vulcan's standards and principles. He strives for cooperation between the houses. 

His wife T'lera has worked hard helping New Vulcan's children. Her main focus is improving education courses and building more education centers. Many children were left orphans after Vulcan's destruction. Now they are either stepping up to lead New Vulcan or are helping their younger peers learn. 

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