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"T'Vara wishes you well. I hope you will keep me informed." Her voice is drowned out as I gaze at her. The silver of her dress brings out the grey in her eyes and the olive tone of her skin. Her raven hair is braided into a crown ontop her head. I barely catch the end of her last sentence before she is out the door. She'll attend our ceremony, meaning me and T'Vara her younger sister. Suddenly feeling unwell I turn to my commander.

"Commander Spock, if there is nothing further I will take my leave." A puzzled look crosses his face for a fleeting moment before it is back to it's normal calm. 

"Lieutenant Sevek, you are dismissed." After giving him a nod I turn to leave the room. Walking towards the door I can overhear the Captain speaking to him. 

"Tell me the truth, how bad was it? I know she plays it down, but her eyes give it away." The door closes behind me and I find myself tempted to stay and listen. Shaking my head I begin to take a step but I stop hearing the commander's voice. 

"There were times T'lana was terrified her daughter would die." His words ring in my ear until I hear the captain's voice. 

"Did Alexander go to the council demanding Sevek?" Seeing as they are discussing mine and T'Layah's separation I no longer feel guilty listening. 

Spock's words though tell me that everything I was told was false. That she as a half Vulcan would feel nothing. It turns out we were both in excruciating emotional pain. I had hoped that she wouldn't have to suffer as I did. 

" I stopped him." Spock's voice is softer a tinge of sadness threatening to show. "I offered to mind meld with T'Layah, give her some of my strength." 

Still standing in front of the door I clench my fists and close my eyes. He risked his own banishment to save her. No wonder the two of them have such a strong resemblance. 

"That was risky my friend. Was that why you would have sudden outbursts back then? I knew it wasn't because of your time." Hearing this I can only clench my fists tighter. He lied to cover it all up. Obviously mind melding with T'Layah when her emotions are uncontrolled he would take on some of her pain and anger. 

"I'm sorry Jim. I couldn't let her die. Everything about it was illogical. Why banish one of Vulcan's most brilliant engineers and her half Vulcan child? Just because she had a child outside of a bondmate. She was unbonded no transgression was made and she didn't even know that T'Layah was conceived then." His voice raises as he talks but by the last sentence his voice becomes quieter. "We are both half Vulcan, I felt a connection." 

Listening to his heartfelt words I begin to feel uncomfortable as I am now invading the commander's privacy. Walking away as quietly as possidle I make my way to the turbo-lift. Standing inside waiting to reach my floor I review everything I just heard. T'layah suffered just as I had, and like my father did for me Spock did for her. But does that mean that our bond is broken? If it isn't does that mean it will recconnect now that we are around each other? 

Exiting the turbo-lift I can see Gordon in his dress uniform waiting outside my quarters. He bounces back and forth on the balls of his feet as he glances around. Seeing a couple of young women walk by he smiles and winks to them. The women giggle and lean in talking to each other as they walk past him. His eyes follow them then widen when he sees me approaching. 

"Where have you been? All the guys have been going on and on about a raven haired beauty in a silver dress." He follows me inside before the doors close. 

Walking towards the bedroom I pull off my uniform shirt draping it onto my arm. Gordon pays no attention following me into the room. As I grab my dress uniform as he sits down onto my bed. 

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