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The computer alerts me to visitors at my door as I am packing up my desk and placing ancient text back into containment cubes.

"Enter." The doors slide open, and Captain Kirk and Commander Spock walk in. Seeing them together I stand at attention.

"At ease, Lieutenant. We're here on a more personal matter. You and Layah." I'm not sure why the Captain is speaking to me about the Lieutenant Commander. He is even using her name casually.

"Captain, if I may." Commander Spock steps forward his eyes look colder than usual.

"Sevek, did you not tell me you cannot bond with T'Vara? Has this changed?" Thinking back on our previous conversations I vaguely remember us speaking about something like this.

"If we did, I cannot recall if I had mentioned it. It has changed T'Vara and I are now bonded to each other." The Commander's face goes pale, but he nods politely.

"That is good. I take it your research is finished then." His eyes glance over to my now empty desk.

"Yes. I will be returning these relics when I leave Enterprise next month to return to New Vulcan. My bride wishes us to spend our first year together as is custom." The Captain who has stood at a distance his arms crossed presses his lips together.

"Very well, Lieutenant. Make sure to send in the appropriate request." Glancing at Spock he scowls as he turns leaving out the door.

"The Captain gets emotional as he becomes attached to his officers." The Commander walks forward placing his hand onto my shoulder. "Be well, Sevek."

As he leaves through the door Gordon walks in giving the Commander a weird look as they pass each other.

"Um, did I miss something. The Commander looked more somber than usual." Gordon plops down on my couch laying down with his arms behind his head.

"Just like you, I am in love. Juxana is amazing. It's a pity she was called away for an emergency." Whatever she heard through her com wasn't good as she rushed out without speaking a word.

"Have you already sneaked to see your beloved T'Layah? " Gordon flips his position peeking over the arm of the couch at me as I stand at my desk.

"T'Vara." I correct him as he used the wrong name by accident.

"Hang on I'm..." He sits up staring at me with his mouth hanging open.

"T'Vara and I completed being able to bond last night. Our minds became one, I can now return home to complete the ceremony." His mouth snaps shut, and I can see confusion.

"Congrats, Sevek. I think I better go check on Juxana. I'll see you later." He springs up off the couch dashing out the door.

"Illogical. Such strangeness." Shaking my head, I return to putting thing away. But again, the computer alerts me to a visitor.

"Enter." Ambassdor Silek with Lady T'Lera on his arm glide in through the door.

"Lieutenant Sevek, good morning." Setting down the scroll I was working with I motion for them to sit down.

"Give me a moment and we will leave." They gracefully sit down onto the couch as I again pick up the scroll.

Looking at it in my hands I can see the ancient symbols of male and female. Next to them is an interlocking chain and next to it a flame symbol. Touching my hand to it gently I can feel that another symbol is there but faded. Holding it up to the desk light I can see the symbol it's faded but it's a well-known symbol in ancient Vulcan text, death.

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