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Sevek remains silent as we walk through the hallway to one of the atriums. Once the doors close behind us and I find myself alone with him do I realize my mistake. If I have a reversion here in front of him, he will know, and I never want him to know. It would only complicate matters and he is to be bonded to T'Vara. 

"T'Layah." Just the sound of his rough voice causes my heart to pound. Terrified he would hear it I walk to the other side of the room. 

"What is it you need to tell me?" I speak to him using the same tone that I use during diplomatic negotiations. Keeping all of my emotions within.

"I don't think out bond was ever broken. It just went dormant." Any poker face I was trying to hold onto disappears. 

"What do you mean?" My voice wavers as I know he's right. It's the only reason for the pain to return, but I keep denying it. Even Spock questioned that our bond still existed. 

"Don't!" His voice echoes around the room as he storms over backing me into the wall. "Don't lie to me." 

"You are to be my sister's bondmate, Sevek. What would it mean if our bond still exists? That we would try to break it again. I don't think I could live through that again. I barely survived the other..." Pressing my lips together I stop myself from revealing too much. 

"Please, don't hide from me. This isn't only affecting you. Seeing you with Soren was painful. It felt as if I could not breath, then this extreme anger came over me. It took all of my will not to let it overtake me. Please, T'Layah let's be honest." The redness of his eyes has started to fade as has the vein on his neck. Knowing that he is returning to his logical self I feel bad for keeping it from him. 

"The night of the welcome party the pain I dealt with when our bond was first severed returned. It's like someone is trying to pull my head open with their bare hands. Only by using enough sedative to bring down a Klingon could the pain be stopped." Sighing he steps back letting me step away from the wall. 

"It makes no sense. Why is our bond so strong?" Sevek only turns his face away from me. Getting no response, I step to his side making him look at me. 

"We are natural bondmates. Even if we had not been paired as children, we would have sought each other out. In not being able to bond with T'Vara I began to suspect something was wrong. In studying any information, I could find on bondmates I came across an old text detailing of natural bondmates. It was after reading it that I knew I needed to find you." As he speaks, I can feel his hand take hold of mine. Unlike Soren's which I held with the intention of friendship. Sevek's hand in mine makes me feel complete. 

"What do we do now? Will the Council allow us? What of T'Vara?" In my panic I rapidly fire questions at him. I mean what do we do if the Council won't acknowledge us? Would Sevek be willing to leave to be with me? 

"T'Layah, breathe." He places his hands onto my cheeks lifting my face up. His dark brown eyes are back to their normal bright shine. Getting to look at him again after all this time I can see that he's changed. His jaw is more chiseled, he's grown into his slender nose, but those perfect lips have stayed the same. 

Holding her so close I can see every detail of her face. Her perfectly arched brows, silver grey eyes, smooth olive skin, and plump lips. Even as a child T'Layah was envied by the other females for her beauty. Yet she never understood why they were envious, as she felt she failed at being a Vulcan. She strived to be like her Vulcan father a symbol of peace through logic who barely showed emotion. 

"I will speak to the Council. Part of my ability to research was to find ways to recognize and pair natural bondmates. Now I just need to figure out what makes you and I compatible." Letting go of her face I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her against me. 

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