"Justin's Dead" ~ Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Justin's Dead."


No this isn't happening, it can't be. I don't believe it.

"We need to go." 

"Selena, just sit down and breath."

"Sit down? I can't, I have to make sure he's okay! C'mon mom we need to go!"

"Selena we can't." 

"Why not! I have to go, I'm going. I'll see you later." I walk towards the door and leave ignoring the yells I hear behind me from my mom. I quickly get into her car and start driving towards the nearest hospital. 

I arrive to the hospital, quickly parking and running towards the doors. Every single thing is going through my mind right now. The biggest thought is if Justin is okay, he has to be. I don't know why I feel like this, I just think we're actually cool right now. Maybe friends and I don't know why but I care about him and I just need to know he's okay. I rush in and quickly go to the desk lady.

"I'm looking for guy, he probably just arrived, he was shot!" I quickly say to the lady and she points to a hall with a big sign over it reading EMERGENCY, I speed walk towards and look for someone to ask about Justin. I see a doctor and I rush over to him.

"Excuse me!"

"Yes?" The doctor says and turns to me.

"I'm looking for a guy, uh he was just shot and I was told he's here, I need to see him." I see the doctor look through some papers he has in his hands before looking at me with sorrow. 

"I'm so sorry but he died on the scene." My mouth dropped open and I couldn't believe it. Justin died. 

"I'm so sorry miss, you should probably sit for a second." I nod and sit down on the closest chair and try to wrap my mind around the fact that Justin is dead. Something doesn't feel right. How did it even happen.

I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket and take it out seeing a message from my mom telling me to come home. 

I get up and walk towards the doors.


I arrive to my house and just sit in the car. It's just unbelievable that Justin is now dead. I won't have that obnoxious, annoying yet kinda cute and knows how to push all my buttons neighbor anymore. I don't know, everything feels different now. I look to my left to see Justin's house, it looks so empty and dark. 

Suddenly I hear a car speeding down the street and turn to my right and see a familiar white Lamborghini. It parks in Justin's drive way and my heart starts racing but I recover when I see it's a guy I don't know, probably one of his friends. I can't imagine how he's feeling right now. With Justin dead and him in his car, he must be really sad or mad, but to me he looks fine. Well I don't know him so it could just be like a cover up or something.

I see another car door open and this time I recognize who it is, it's Bruce. I feel really bad now because I know for a fact Bruce is Justin's friend and I know Bruce cared for Justin a lot. Bruce gets out but turns back around and reaches out for a hand.  

I can't even think, I quickly get out of the car and run over to the white Lambo, I pause and yell out.

"Justin!" The friend on the other side and Bruce turn to look and me and I see those perfect hazel brown eyes look up at me and I feel my stomach turn and my heart race, he's alive.

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