You lied ~ Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"You lied"


My alarm clock woke me up. I looked at my phone "yup, it's time to get up for school well at least my last day at this school for the next 3 months." I thought to myself. UGH! At least I get to see Nick today although he'll probably hate me when I tell him.I got up and went to the bathroom took a shower and put on a pink mid thigh dress with my black 4 1/2 in. heels put my hair into cute bouncy curls.I heard my mom was starting the car.I remembered what I told her yesterday "I HATE YOU"    That's actually the first time I ever yelled something like that to her but she got me really pissed off and upset. I walked downstairs and she was already in the car waiting for me.I really didn't want to talk to her so I put on my head phones and turned on my music.I walked to the car but I saw my mom started putting bags (suitcases) in the car, she was probably already getting ready to go for later. UGH! Why is she rushing all this?! "Selena!?" I heard someone calling my name turned around and say my mom yelling my name so now I had to talk to her. "what?" I said taking off my headphones. "Go get your bags" she told me. "what why? we aren't leaving until later." I said. "Go get your bags SELENA now!" "why are you trying to rush this?" I asked her. "Selena follow my directions and go get your bags now!" she yelled. "ok!" I yelled back.

        I came back with my bags. "I'm going to be late to school is going to be your fault." I told her as I handed her my bags. I mean she rented out a moving truck I didn't get why we were only going to be gone for 3 months.

"Don't worry about it"she told me. "Actually I have to worry because if I'm late I'm going to get in trouble and its going to be your fault!" I yelled out at her as I started getting in the car. I'm going to miss my little blue house well ill see it soon enough at least I get to see Demi and Nick but I really hope Nick understands, I can't leave if he doesn't especially because he gets me and he actully cares he loves me and I love him. I realized my mom was going the wrong way. "Mom this isnt the way to my school" I told her. "don't worry it's a shortcut" she told me. "Watch me be late" I murmerd under my breath. "What did you say?" oh she heard me I don't have time for her so I say "Nothing." "It better have been nothing." "Whatever." I say rolling my eyes. I get so bored in the car I just started going into my own world with my music blasting through my ears and all the good times I've had with Nick and Demi. I ignored everything around me including my mom, wanting to never leave this world.

                      30 mins later

I finally came into realization that this was not a shortcut! "Mom are you sure this is a shortcut because I'm pretty sure um I'm I don't know 20 minutes late I should be in school now!" I yelled at her. "Don't worry" she said again. "Lately that's all that you say, I'm starting to think maybe I should." "Selena watch your tone, espically when your speaking to your mother." "Yeah ahuh whatever." Selena!" she said firmly yet loud. "Just forget it ok I don't wanna continue this conversation." I say really not wanting to talk to her.I got so bored I decided to catch up on my sleep, since this apperatly a shortcut.

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I heard things getting moved around. I woke up and that whitch I call my mother totally lied to me. I mean we were at a huge house and standing outside was my mom moving bags in. Who does she think she is? And where does she think she is?? Wait, what if this is th, no that must mean oh god where at the new house please tell me my mom is just helping a friend in? The chances of that are so unlikly I mean my mom doesn't have friends she only ever talks to my father. Ugh I miss him already, even though my mom hated him, I loved him, he was my rock. Now I need to stop thinking about him before I start crying, I hate that she did this. Okay but why would she lie to me, ohhh she lied to me so I would come OMG! "Oh you're awake" I heard my mom say as she turned around. "Yeah I am and mind telling me where the hell are we?" I yelled. "Keep it down Selena" she said. "First answer me and tell me where we are" I yelled again. "Okay stop yelling and get out of the car."

So I got out of the car and walked to the driveway waiting for my mom to explain. "Well?" I asked her. "This is our new home"she replied. My mouth just literally flew open like wide open. I was right even though I knew that I guess a little part of me wished I was wrong. "Selena?" my mom said trying to get my attention. "Really?! you lied to me somthing your doing a lot lately" I whispered yelled.

" I had too" she said looking down not wanting to make eye connection with me. " No one has to so why did you?" I questioned her. "If I told you, you wouldn't have come with me" she said. She was sure as hell right if I would have known I wouldn't even have gotten in the car. "I'm going back!" I yelled. "No! Selena you're not" she answered back harsly. "You can't control me I hate you! So leave me alone and stop ruiening my life!! I'm going and I don't give two fucks" I yelled. "Actually I do control you, I own you until your 21 okay! and don't use your languege with me, I'M YOUR MOTHER! AND I ONLY WANT THE BEST FOR YOU!" She yelled. She owns me? Did she really just say that like I'm a piece of garbage a piece of property. "I'm 17 I think I can take care of myself" I told her. "No, like I said you're under my control" she told me again. "I HATE YOU SO MUCH AND I DON'T THINK THAT'S EVER GONNA CHANGE!!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU !!!!" I yelled really loud not caring anymore what I said and I saw tears falling down her cheek. She was about to say something when I stopped her "Don't even. I'm done with you, you go live in that house. I'm not going in there!" I turned around and got into our car and went all the way to the trunk letting all my tears I've been holding in fall because I was just tired of all this. Stop crying Selena!! she wants you to do that so you seen weak. Stop crying! my inside voice said bringing back so I stopped crying. I moved back to the passengers seat at the front finding my phone and head phones I turn on my music and blast it so I can leave this world for a couple hours.








Omg ahhhh I've missed this!!! I edited this chapter and added new stuff but I hope you guys like it because we've worked hard and we wanted to keep the story up because we like it and if you thought that was drama just wait haha okay so im gonna go and write some more ;) tell me if you liked it and show some love and vote! 10 votes by the next update? Hoped you guys liked xoxo ~megan, kaylee, kat, lola, keily, nicole, ashleigh :D ily

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