Jay Biebs ~ Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Jay Biebs"


I walked around until I realized that im completly lost. Ugh my life sucks. I found this little park and I remembered when my mom and dad would take me to the park as a kid. I miss being a kid honestly you had no worries in the world. I sat down on the little swing by the park and took out my phone 18 text messages from my mom wow. I don't wanna talk to her yet so im not going to respond.

*BOOM* I heard a loud noise that litterly scared the shit out of me. Then I heard a couple voices coming from the woods near this park.

I'm always so damn curious so you know I was listening to the people who were talking.

"Calm down Jay why did you have to go that far?"

"I told you not to fucking piss me off"

I suddenly realized that I probably shouldn't be here right now the guy sounds pissed off and im pretty sure the noise I heard was a gun fire so. I slowly got up of the swing making sure not to make any noise but to my luck I had to walk past those woods to get home. I started walking and I wish I would've stayed on that swing.

"What the fuck?"

Holy mother of god I walked right into them I swear im about to have a heart attack.

"Who are you?" I heard someone say draining me out of my thoughts.

"I -i have to go " I said trying to be calm"

"I asked a question. Who are you? And why don't we have a little fun now that your out here all alone."

I heard one guy say to the other but all I was thinking about was what did they mean by fun im so fucking scared im like shaking but I can't let them see that. I can't show weakness. I saw probably around 4 guys. Which made matters worse.

"I'll go first" I heard one of them say walking towards me.

Holy crap what the hell are they gonna do to me?! I'm so scared I can't even move.

"Hurry up biebs we still have to finish business."

"Shut the hell up don't fucking rush me!"

I felt two hands go on me and push me against the fence. The guy who was touching me started rubbing my back. I'm pretty sure he didn't feel how I was like super uncomfortable.

"Stop!" I managed to whisper. "I told you to go back with your mom" he whispered into my ear. What the actual fuck he was the guy that was there when I----

"I told you it was dangerous out here by yourself."

Then he started kissing my neck making me bit my lip so I couldn't let out a moan.

"Who are you?" I said back my voice really shaking.

"It doesn't matter these guys over there are gonna hurt you. I won't hurt you ok?" He asked but not as a question. I weakly nodded my head. I was so scared as to what he was doing. His hands started travling down until he touched my butt and I jumped a little very surprised. I looked at him with a smirk on his face. "Please don't I don't want this." I wispered tears escaping from my eyes. "Hey I said I won't hurt you." he said while his hands went up to my waist instead. " I'm going to let you go, after I kiss you find all the strength you can and push me off and run home k?" He whispered. I nodded. I was ready. He was slowly coming near me and he kissed me on my lips and I swear if I wasn't so scared I would have kissed back. I felt like I was melting his kiss was just amazing wait no Selena stop thinking about this focus! He stopped kissing me and whispered "go" so I pushed him off of me and made a dead line for my house.






I finally got home and ran straight in. My heart beating 100 times faster then it should be. I don't think I've ever EVER had to run that fast in my life time. I was just there at the door trying to catch my breath.

"Selena?" I heard my mom say from the living room dragging me out of my thoughts.

"Is something wrong? What happend?" she asked me. I guess I was in shock because I wasn't moving or talking. I was just still.

"Selena?" She said again coming near me.

I took a few steps back and she stopped moving.

"Tired." That's all I said I didn't even say im tired I just said tired what is wrong with me now?

"Um okay well I moved your stuff up to a room don't worry I didn't touch anything I just put it in the closet in the room upstairs to your right".

"Thank you." I said as I walked upstairs and went into the room where my mom said to go and there was a comfortable looking bed waiting for me to lay on it.

And let's talk about the room it looked really good my wall was painted sky blue. There was a queen bed! I had my own bathroom and there was like a Jacuzzi in there. I have my very own mini fridge. I guess my mom knows I like my own space and I spent most of time in my room anyway so she probably wanted it comfy. There was a window w right next to my bed and two others on the other side of the room which is pretty good because there's like a mini porch outside so I can smoke without my mom knowing and there's like a latter I don't think my mom knows about this but it's good because I can sneak out when I don't wanna be home. I jumped into to my bed it felt good. Now all that was running through my head was the guy first he stopped me and said go with my mom and then he was there with the guys. I might be crazy but he looked like my nieghbor the one that had the 4 prostitutes with him. I hope not because the guy that helped me seemed so nice and my neighbor seemed like an ass. I don't know and I don't want to think about it. I was about to fall asleep when I heard my mom come into my room I sat up in my bed and we were just staring at eachother until she broke the silence "Selena um tomorrow you have school so I just thought I would tell you."

"School where?" "Um it's not far I know where I'll drive you." "Okay thanks." "No problem goodnight sweetheart I love you." I just nodded. Why was she being so nice? After I said I hated her and I would never love her. And then I ran away from her. How could she be nice? I don't care I just need to sleep now. I was about to fall asleep again when I heard yelling coming from out side the window next to my bathroom so me always being so damn curious I go over there. I see my neighbor the one who I said was an ass but then I realize he's also the one who saved me what? The one guy that was with him called him Jay and biebs so that might be his name but I don't know.I hear him having a conversation on the phone so I listen...

"There all fucking dead!!" I heard him yell. "No they know something about my parents they do that's why they keep fucking with me!" He's talking about his parents and that someone knows something about them and I couldn't help but feel this burning hole inside of me at the mention of parents. I guess its because I never feel like I have my parents. "I know I know man but I need to know for sure. I need to know what happend." He said in a sadish voice and I felt bad really bad what happend to his parents? He sounded lost like he has to find them. Then I heard him say a quick goodbye to the person he was talking to and I think he looked over here so I quickly ran back to my bed. Hopefully he didn't see me ugh Selena!! He had omg. He must think im some kind of stalker. Ahh I looked at the clock it was 10pm and im really tired so I tryed sleeping again and this time I wasn't interrupted.

Hi! hi! What's up guys? So did you like that chapter? If you did give it love and hit that vote button. Do you guys think his name is Jay biebs or? How do you think Selena feels about her neighbor now that he saved her? Tell me what you think in the comments! And sorry of this was short I had to write this quick next one will be longer. Any I love you all!!! Xoxo ♥♥ -Kaylee and the squad 

{Btw did you guys see the trend #ignorejustinproject like wtf? im pissed only fake beliebers participated in something like this. Jelena is back and there both happy why can't some of you accept that?!}

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