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Mii-chan was laying on her bed, a smile adorning her face as she had just received the reply from her crush.

[I have nothing planned, so let's go on that date.] Hirata

A simple reply from the boy, however it what was in his mind was unease, he felt unrest in his heart as he chose to ignore Ayanokoujis words...

He turned off his phone, exasperated at himself questioning whether he made the right decision.
He made his way back to the dorm, completely unaware of Mii-chans reaction to the answer.
As soon as the girl received a notification on her phone she ran towards it, stumbling as she did so.

Getting her hands on the phone, she unlocked it and checked the message. Her eyes widened in surprise as her mouth turned upwards. She was ecstatic at the response, she jumped up and down as she helped onto the phone, squealing in delight at the development actually coming into fruition.

She spent the next ten minutes reading over the response, her hands shaking with happiness as her mind started to fantasise. Smiling to herself she started to fidget on her phone, eventually landing on a specific persons contact...

The person who had been helping her all along.

Ayanokouji kiyotaka...

Dialling his number with a cheerful expression, she waited for her friend to pick up the call.

[Hello? Mii-chan? What do you need?] Ayanokouji. Hearing his monotone voice she immediately responded to his question.

[Hello Ayanokouji kun! I just wanted to say that something very good just happened to me right now! Guess what it is.] Mii-chan. Her tone was full of glee as she waited for Ayanokoujis reply. She wanted to thank him for everything he has done for her, she took that step to ask him out due to his advice.

[What happened Mii-chan? You sound happier than usual, I am going to guess... actually I have no idea. Just tell me.] Ayanokouji. She sat up and leaned her back on the bed frame, with the phone against her ear she started briefing him on what had happened before this phone call.

[I asked Hirata kun out! And he accepted! I couldn't be more happier. I have to thank you for helping me until now Ayanokouji kun, I don't if I could've reached this far without you!] Mii-chan

On the other side of the line was a brooding Ayanokouji, he who had just warned Hirata to take action as soon as possible rejected that notion.
Nonetheless he could see why Hirata decided to agree to her proposal.

It's just one issue came into his mind that would cause even more pain than needed, actually it may even cause pain for both parties involved.

Ayanokouji had one idea as to when the date would take place, but it was mere speculation, thus he decided to ask the girl when the outing would take place. To confirm his assumptions.

[When is the date Mii-chan?] Ayanokouji

[On the 24th! It such a good thing! On the eve of Christmas... just imagining it gives me the butterflies.] Mii-chan. It was a rapid response, with a bit of her imagination slipping through, she still had no idea about the things that could happen on that day. Though Ayanokouji was unwilling to form any hypothesis, he came up with three and frankly they weren't good.

The first hypothesis being Hirata rejecting her, a bad enough outcome. However with the added factor that it was on Christmas Day...

It made the situation laced with much more heaviness and heart, Mii-chan who thought she had a hope... that hope would crash down when her expectations had already skyrocketed...

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